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Saturday, September 10th 2011, 8:48pm

pvp event bug for today and yesterday

why is it that me and many others on mag side were unable to summon in the event,u took the mirrors from pack but no summon appeared,this clearly puts our side at a disadvantage,who knows which way the fights would have swung,+ wastage of blesses as humans and there mountiful summons just abliterated the mag race,srry to say but this event fails,do we get compensated for the loss of what was taken and never received, and why does able to receive dragons gift and its not the 23rd, rules state that it is to be received on the 23rd,not the 10th,12th or what ever,or is this just something that will be bypassed as he is a paypaller, if so this will just prove that the game has double restrictions and standards, for humans and mags


Saturday, September 10th 2011, 8:57pm <- Not sure where to get this item. But this might be ur culprit in Lethowsow case


Monday, September 12th 2011, 9:50am

I am not sure if I really need to explain a level 10 player how summoning in Great Battles work: You can summon until it becomes a Great Battle, afterwards you can't. If you try anyway wwith mirrors you will loose the mirrors but no summon will appear ion the battle. There are no double restrictions for Humans and Mags or for players who buy Diamonds and those who don't.mar

The Symbol of Dragon's Blessings could be received at the Labor Day Party event.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Friday, September 16th 2011, 12:22pm

yes very true i should know about gb rules and i do,thats why i was summoning before gb was there, i was res'd by ferenot later on and he was the 10th mag to join the battle, and as u and me both know,its not a gb till 10 on each side have joined, beleive me when i say mate i wasnt allowed to summon, and there were other mags in the same situation, im not having a go just annoyed that u thought i hadnt checked all the facts, the fact is something went wrong and i wasnt allowed to summon