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Tuesday, February 22nd 2011, 11:09pm

Saved fights not saving!

I have a problem with my saved fight stats not showing, they disapear or my name disapears in them il provide the links…63668&outside=1…61020&outside=1…60743&outside=1…57450&outside=1

in these fights stats i came 1st, 2nd 4th and 5th in tallaars

all of them except 1 show my name and its in the wrong place this is not the first time its happened, it happened to a friend of mine as well, id like the stats back not only cos i payed for them but cos i saved them for a reason.

Thank you for your assistance with this i look forward to hearing from you


You did WHAT with WHO for HOW many cookies?? :drop:


Wednesday, February 23rd 2011, 3:38am

it happens to me all the time now i NEVER save fights, coz its a joke, day by day, the statistics disappear, names fall out etc. It should be based on a screenshot, instead it seems to run from a database that is somehow messed up as time goes by.


Wednesday, February 23rd 2011, 9:57am

Unfortunately there is a known issue with instance fights which can currently not be fixed. you can still save all the fights that take place outside instances.