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Saturday, December 10th 2011, 10:37pm

missing valour from cave tournament

My level was suppose to get 7500 for a loss + what ever we earned during the event yet i only got 6810 what happened where is my missing valour i earned over 500 during the event.…67&server_id=12


Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 12:41pm

On level 7 and 8 you receive 6250 Valor. Check here.


Saturday, December 17th 2011, 7:24pm

Apparently we You and me Both must be looking at different adds. You the Administrators advertise it in the following manor. (cut and pasted from page for cave tournament sign in) I direct you to the bolded where it states the amount one gets for losing.

You have to stand in line to access the battlefield. It can be entered only by those who have permission to participate in the tournament. Participants in the tournament fight against players from their level group.

Level groups: Level 3&4, Level 5&6, Level 7&8, Level 9&10, Level 11-13. Attention! The time-out on battlefields is 10 seconds. If you leave the battlefield before the end of the battle, you will not be able to join another battle for three hours. If you do not confirm your participation within the allotted time, you will not be able to queue again for 1 hour.

Battlefield: 20 vs. 20 cave tournament (Team size: 20 players) Maximum battle time: 180 minutes.

Team goal : gaining the required points by gathering crystals as quickly as possible. At the cave entrance there are carts for the crystals. For every crystal which you will put inside the cart you will get a certain number of points: Red crystal: the team gets 3 points, you get valour and 6 experience points.
Blue crystal: the team gets 2 points, you get valour and 4 experience points.
Green crystal: the team gets 2 points, you get valour and 4 experience points.

Conditions for winning the tournament: Your team must gather 1500 points.

Level 3&4: Winner: 15 000 valour. Loser: 3 750 valour.
Level 5&6: Winner: 20 000 valour. Loser: 5 000 valour.
Level 7&8: Winner: 25 000 valour. Loser: 7 500 valour.
Level 9&10: Winner: 30 000 valour. Loser: 9 000 valour.
Level 11-13: Winner: 35 000 valour. Loser: 11 500 valour.
Only those who reach the end will get the reward!
Leaving the battlefield before the end of the battle: You will not get any valour.

All negative energy which you receive on the battlefield will be removed when you leave.

The only exception is fleeing from the battlefield. In this case the negative energy will not be erased!

If you are affected by negative effects such as injuries, curses or balls-and-chains, you cannot participate in battles on the battlefield.

If you receive an injury, curse or ball and chain at the very moment that you apply to join the battlefield, but before you confirm it, you should get rid of it, otherwise the negative effects will not be removed after the battle ends.


Monday, December 19th 2011, 10:14am

The values in the newspost are the correct ones.