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Friday, May 20th 2011, 9:32pm

Did not receive rep

i went into DH today and kill gal around 16-19 game time. my rep was 998 and i didnt get any rep from killing him. i was the only one in the party. i soon went to go on to kill zemerkh but only got to the first door to him which had lvl 4 and 5 vampires and got +2 rep from then..and now i have the green badge. i just want my rep from gal

thank you


Monday, May 23rd 2011, 11:51am

Can you please provide fight links.


Monday, May 23rd 2011, 6:51pm

no sorry, i cannot. i dont use client so i cant save any of them. didnt know you would need them :(

 wanderer84 [13] 

Head Guard Magmar

Posts: 618

Occupation: Being Handsome

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Tuesday, May 24th 2011, 4:02am


Attack on Galmakhar .
Before that fight your Undead Reputation was 948.
When fight was over you received +50 points and went to 998.

2011-05-20 18:41:35 "Hunter of the Undead reputation" (was: 948, now: 998)
i have a bottle of hope that keeps my heart sedated..