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Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 8:19am

Instances of the game

hello everyone, human and magmar players, I would like to know if anyone can give me light in this matter, I was told that sunken ship instance where it was supposed to be found the superbeing "drunken captain" as I call him, was open but now its cancelled or non-existing. Does that means we will not be able to fight that superbeing ever again? Why is there a book in Fay-go to get a resource that cant be found at this moment? If anyone have any idea please share it with me. Another instance I would to know when will it be available is Abandoned Smithy, I dont have the congrelet card set needed to enter there complete, but I asked a player who has it and he told me it isnt available yet. Any ideas, again, please share it. thanks,
AA :)


Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 9:04am

++ i wanted to ask the same. Sunken ship was supposed to come in update before last one, but it's not open even now


Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 9:36am

Captain Skellirossa!
Everythin is bloody boring ~~~~:bee:


Sunday, June 26th 2011, 8:11pm

hello admins....i have just baught the stupid book and there is no instance....can u imagine how i feel ??

this is just again very information about this ....

i want my money back !

18:34 ยป Dead Rum Guidebook: From this moment you can procure Dead Rum. Removed: Dead Rum Guidebook[href=]*1 pcs.
18:34 Kampfbauch: 18:34 From this moment you can procure Dead Rum. Removed: Dead Rum Guidebook 1 pcs.


Sunday, June 26th 2011, 8:39pm

da kann ich nur zustimmen....und mein geld will ich auch wieder haben!


Sunday, June 26th 2011, 8:40pm

I can only agree with .... and I also want to have my money back!

sry for my german text^^


Sunday, June 26th 2011, 8:42pm

Yeah, same with me too.
I was very happy, can finally visit and then ..........


Monday, June 27th 2011, 4:38pm

The Sunken Ship cannot yet be accessed.

Please keep an eye on the news, all new features will be announced there. As it was not announced there yet it was not "supposed to come in update before last one" and I am sure nobody was ever told by the administration that it was open.

Some of the books you can acquire in the library cannot yet be used, but since they don't expire, if you already bought one, just be patient.