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Monday, June 6th 2011, 2:41am

dear admins, pt2

dear admins,
i am a player in war of dragons my race is human in game name is HEI,
this is the second time i post on forum as i got a response from a forum admin telling me they received my email and will respond soon, well its been 7days since i was falsely jailed for "using BOT" and ive sent 2 emails and 1 forum post and OMG guess what im still in jail and my email in-box is still empty from a reply from you guys, AND STILL no one will explain why im even in here to begin with :lol: seriously if i did something wrong which im pretty sure i didn't just tell me so i go quit the game and move on instead of checking my email every couple of hours waiting for you guys to do ur jobs and hope u guys realize ur mistake and let me get back to the game like seriously its been 7days :ogo: is it just me or does that seem like an awful long time ?
so for the 2nd time i post on forum, GUYs hurry up and get me out of jail its boring as hell in here :podozr:


Monday, June 6th 2011, 12:34pm

Please excuse the late answer. You have now received your reply.