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Thursday, December 9th 2010, 8:40pm

Google Chrome

Today at roughly 19:00 server time i noticed a problem when i entered the the shop in City Square (Magmar) the problem was there was only 1 tab: Light armour and no others, there was no tab for Weapons, Shields, Scrolls, Potions, Food or Amulets only Light Armour.

So i signed out of my account and signed back in but there was still no change and after exploring every shop on the map i decided to change my browser to Mozilla Firefox and just like magic the Tabs are back.

Just thought i'd bring this to your attention sorry i can't seem to or don't know how to take a screen shot on Google Chrome :-P
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Friday, December 10th 2010, 12:57am

Some times playing from certain browsers can cause glitches like that. For better play its best to download the free Game Client

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