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Saturday, December 17th 2011, 5:55am

Goblin Mukhmor quest not working?

Agreement with the Goblin
The cunning owner of the Joke Shop will never give away his goods for nothing. But he will happily give you several Signs of Friendship - the only currency valued by the goblins. True, to receive these Signs, you will have to work hard: the sharp trader wants you to deliver a pile of bright leaflets praising his shop to the navigator, so that he can distribute them around the region.

Passed: Bring the scrolls to Vezur the Navigator.
Current goal: Having distributed the leaflets in the indicated locations, return to Mukhmor the Trader.

I have completed it as instructed but Mukhmor just has the message about missing teeth? Does that mean he lost them due to not honoring his word to provide a reward for help he gets? :bitva:


Saturday, December 17th 2011, 7:39am

check your pack and read the leaflets


Saturday, December 17th 2011, 1:28pm

I did it correctly but it seems there are two locations for Mukhmor... he is a strange one. In the second location he was ready to complete the quest.