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Friday, February 18th 2011, 10:17am

why the sexism?

the lvl 10 mount for females, that they can get at level 6, that males can blatant sexism. don't get me wrong im all FOR feminism, i love it, i think men and women indeed should have EQUAL rights, but this isn't feminism , not as the revolution intended it, this is merely the same problem at the other end of the scale. If you are so selfish and happen to be in the currently ELEVATED gender (and this is a cycle we keep alternating revolution to revolution it seems), why not take a step back from your egos (i mean both guys and girls!), and think of the next generation, your sons and daughters who have to put up with this abuse because of your inability to set equality straight and not keep getting corrupted by whatever hidden desire to exact vengeace or infinite insecurity you have that needs the crushing of all threats instead of evolving beyond them through dialogue and the establishment of peaceful paradigms of co-existence between man and women?

It's totally retarded, to think this out....whatever good is in man, cannot exist without women, whatever good is in women cannot exist without man (even if you need the sperm from donor or cryogenic freezing, the core is still 50% male chromosome). Point im making is, goodness in man and women are interdependant, therefore there is no superiors, and this may be a game, but if i am to spend few hours on it every day of my time, i will not continue to play, it is entirely abusive and emasculating, and insulting to true feminists who would look down at this with shame and revolt, as this abuse and gender inequality, is exactly what the whole feminist movement was created to eliminate, and this facade for feminism is now spitting in the face of what it truly is about, gender equality, and not an eternal viscious cycle hat descrates the movement for the freedom of one race for the expense of anothers, as a society we are male and female, and our future generations will be corrupted by our examples if we do not make some changes.

Politically heavy maybe, but let me put it this way, i already spent over 1k usd on this game in 4 months, i will not spend more then another 100usd , instead of intended another 1kusd in next months as a stand to my objection, until an equivalent male mount is created. Children also play this game, do you want to teach them sexism so that your individual ego is satisfied, destroy lives of others so you're infinite insecurities are checked no matter how many others freedoms you destroy along the way?

if you agree and you MEN have balls, and you REAL genuine feminists want to show empathy for what women have experienced in the past and stand true to your movement in not creating the same inequality your ancestors experienced in the past in others, then make a vote, male and female that BOTH genders have an equally powerful mount.

I for one will quit if within next two months this is not introduced.


Friday, February 18th 2011, 10:20am

oh yes, my suggestion in the way of initiative, is the male mount can be some evolved lion? something like asland from lion the witch and wardrobe, standing for male courage and valour and magnificence?


Friday, February 18th 2011, 10:21am

Every player can choose their gender freely (other than in real life), so there is no discrimination, it is a free choice. You can send your suggestions to and our developers can have a look at them.