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Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 6:27am

Ice Bear Auction.

From 5 Ice Bear Amulets on Humans Auction only 1 will be sold for Diamonds. Amulets for Snowflake no one even start. The question is, for whom this "Special Auction" if we cannot get such number Snowflake during December event?

Posts: 1,511

Location: South Africa

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Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 10:52am

if you cannot get that amount of snow flakes you can save 500g or paypal and try your luck with diamonds.
If all fails, then you can spend your snow flakes in the snow bazaar where everyone else is spending it

this is an auction, the person with the most snow flakes win... :stronger:
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 1:03pm

well, 4/5 just ended and the 3 snowflakes ones were given, so that amount was most def achievable


Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 1:06pm

13:00 Player Berserkas [8] has won "Ice Bear Amulet" in special auction!
13:00 Player MaGiC_DeatH [6] has won "Ice Bear Amulet" in special auction!
13:00 Player Witch-King [6] has won "Ice Bear Amulet" in special auction!
13:00 Player bla3de [19] has won "Ice Bear Amulet" in special auction!


Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 1:11pm

Last year in forum 3 amulets for each race only with snowflakes... it's ok....why this year 5 amulet for both races in auction with snowflakes, gold and diamond ???'
why isn't the auction always for both races then ??? if the amulet is for both althow the evil eyes, skull, elixir, ??


Wednesday, December 27th 2017, 1:14pm

In my opinion, each year is worse.

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