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Sunday, April 3rd 2011, 2:21am


I am trying to refer a friend of mine to this game. He said that he's having troubles with the game. When he plays on his browser he said that the buttons on the top simply do not appear. I recommended that he download the client but he said this to me:


"that game isnt working for me, the client wont download so i have no idea how to get the buttons that are supose to be at the top of the page"
- arich94

Him and I communicate via another game. He said that the game looks real good and he does want to try out this game. Would you be able to solve his problems on your end or to give me info to tell him how he can fix it himself? Thanks guys.

~ Scuba Steve

P.S. You can do a background check on the account. Him and I do not share an ip address, he really is a friend of mine from another game.


Tuesday, April 5th 2011, 4:49am


so ever hear back on how i can fix the problem with legend?

- arich94

Not rushing you, but can I please get response soon. arich94 is really interested in joining the game here and I'd like to have him get his difficulties sorted out...


Tuesday, April 5th 2011, 11:18am

Please tell your friend to contact with an exact description of his problem.