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Tuesday, December 14th 2010, 6:39pm

Did not receive Juggernaut Reputation and Harcide Stinger

Hello admins,

Today I killed the Harcide but did not receive the stinger or the reputation points. My partner in the fight did.

Here is a link to the fight

The fight ended 17:31

(And, yes, I did check my back pack to make sure I didn't have the stinger).

I don't care about the stinger so much, but I would like to have the 10 reputation points please.



Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 1:22pm

Doesnt look like you and Rene were in a group, she got more damage, so she got the loot, and you got nothing


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 2:55pm

^^ You can't enter hive without group. Idk whats wrong


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 4:05pm

Answer is pretty simple: If i recall right Harcide will give you Jugg Rep Points when you kill it only up to 500 points and if i see right you already have Grey Badge for Jugg and Renee doesnt have it. So she took rep points you didnt.
As for the fact why you didnt got the Harcide Stinger well that is a bit over my powers, i think admins need to check trough that.


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 5:28pm

nah he doesnt have the badge, guess its a random bug :/
:glance: I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em :sarcastic:


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 6:05pm

It does look like you were not grouped. if you enter as a group and then disolve group at haricide lair you would both be able to enter the fight(you are teleported out of the instance only after you decide to move location ungrouped). not saying thats what happened, but that is a reasonable scenario it could happen.


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 6:24pm

In our group was me, Renesmee, and Primus.

Primus is level 8 and was party leader. He was having connection problems and did not join the fight, but we were still all a group, if that helps.


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 6:34pm

that is why, party leader needs to be with the party for the group to get loot
:glance: I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em :sarcastic:


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 6:42pm

Guys, this is not a discussion forum, this is for contacting the admins.

What we need to know from Muley69 - and from no one else - is, were you in a group at the time of the fight or not?


Thursday, December 16th 2010, 5:01pm

Hi Cross Knight

I was in a group, yes.

The group for the whole of the instance was Primus (level 8 - party leader), me, and Renesmee (level 7)

The party leader was NOT in the harcide room when Rene and I started / completed the fight.


Thursday, December 16th 2010, 5:35pm

We have doublechecked this issue, you were not in a group together at the time of the fight.


Thursday, December 16th 2010, 6:46pm

Quoted from "Muley69;35868"

In our group was me, Renesmee, and Primus.

Primus is level 8 and was party leader. He was having connection problems and did not join the fight, but we were still all a group, if that helps.

this is why only rene go the loot, if a grp leader does not enter the fight, it then seems to become a normal fight, and 1 with most dmg gets loot :(