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Thursday, January 12th 2012, 5:19pm

Account sharing

can someone admin can answer me why i am in jail and what account sharing we talk about ????
here or in game becous i try to talk more then 2 hours whit someone of you thx

 wanderer84 [13] 

Head Guard Magmar

Posts: 618

Occupation: Being Handsome

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Thursday, January 12th 2012, 11:25pm

15:13 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: hi
15:13 wanderer84 » DOOMLORD-666: hello
15:14 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: can someone explain me why i am in jail??????
15:14 wanderer84 » DOOMLORD-666: because someone else has been playing with your character and that is illegal and called : account sharing
15:15 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: whyt you talking about on my acc play only i and my wife picking flower when i am on work what sharing we talk about i dont understend
15:16 wanderer84 » DOOMLORD-666: having your wife or anyone else playing with your character to pick / fight or anything is account sharing
15:18 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: i cant belive realy bunch of ppl here play whit 3-5 other acc and you curse me becous my wife play whit me on my acc dont belive realy
15:18 wanderer84 » DOOMLORD-666: i know you already spoke with Yvil for this matter and she answered you , she is our admin ,if you have anything like your last sentence to say ,you can say it to admins
15:19 wanderer84 » DOOMLORD-666: as for the '' other people do it too'' , doesnt mean that its ok, eventually they will also be caught and jailed
i have a bottle of hope that keeps my heart sedated..


Thursday, January 12th 2012, 11:50pm

why you dint put all conversation till end and i whant to show me all mac adres of all comp where my acc is join on this game
i play around 2 years this game maybe evry thing by rule never cheating or enything like that and end up in jail!!!!
yes my wife play how live whit me in same house same contry ...... play whit me on one account one comp whit no "cheating" and that know almost half server and evry person on this server that know me so please exlain me again how this is account shering
and for your information if you real whant to know i stil dint talk whit yvil and i try all day to talk whit her or eny other admin


Friday, January 13th 2012, 4:56am

"play whit me on one account one comp"

Only one person (the guy/girl you registered with) can play on yours. not anyone else. Thats as vague as a can get it. Im sorry if you don't understand.


Friday, January 13th 2012, 10:14am

first thing nite this is admin forum and only they or guard can replay here and i expect answer from them not from you and this is first rule that you need to learn :)
secend i play online game more then 10 years and i know what is account shearing and you do not seem to know

account shering is when 2 or more ppl play on same acc from diffrent comp whit difrent mac adress( not ip adress)
and this is one acc one mac adress one ip adress so please dont exlain me something that you dont understand or dont know thx
i expet answer from admin not from you thx again


Friday, January 13th 2012, 10:22am


Your case is clear and shame on you that you broke the rules for such a long time which is unfair to every player that is playing fair and you take advantage of the fact that someone else is helping you with your account while you are not on.

Sharing accounts is exactly what you did and I am sorry, I cant explain it even more to you. One Account = One Person! No matter if its your wife, brother, friend or cat.

And if admins do not answer you in game, please read the AFK message and contact as we are not watching the screen at all times due to other things we working on in the background.


Friday, January 13th 2012, 10:27am

Quoted from "DOOMLORD-666;128293"

account shering is when 2 or more ppl play on same acc from diffrent comp whit difrent mac adress( not ip adress)
and this is one acc one mac adress one ip adress so please dont exlain me something that you dont understand or dont know thx
i expet answer from admin not from you thx again

I m sorry to say that, but you got that totally wrong. Account sharing is when you let someone playing on your account NO MATTER from where or who. While normal players can only use the time they have to get further their game, you use the time of a second person to play on your account so you get further even you do not have the time. Which is unfair and against our rules.


Friday, January 13th 2012, 10:31am

i say the truth and you to thx for answer that be all :) and you need to learn bether frase "account shering " for what you give me curse :)
and this is my end of converstation whit wander :)

15:20 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: :11-lol: yes yes you wil caough them when they stop to pay money in game until that they will play what ever they whant but eny way thx for your time
15:20 DOOMLORD-666 » wanderer84: it is finily time to stop playing on this server becous i am sick of this thing and this is not first time

and i am prety much sure that i whant be only one how will stop plaing on this server becous you have your rules and change them when you want, as if you will
so now we have realy fun game here :) thy for aswer and evrything else and good luck in game and RL


Friday, January 13th 2012, 10:54am

This rule is here since the beginning. No need for me to learn our rules as they are clear to me. We have been jailing people for that a lot of times, they usually get it and start fresh and stay clean. :) And I have worked for other games which have the exact same rule, so that is not just about our product, but about fairness in game.