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Saturday, May 28th 2011, 7:17am

How can i change my reputation from BOE to BOV?

now my BOE reputation is 1025,
i hope to become BOV
i go to BOV ask, n he ask me to give efril or 350 ee n skulls.
how can i do it?
is it easy to give erfil? n how many efrils need i to give.

thx a lot


Saturday, May 28th 2011, 10:53am

n i've another question, if i buy some amulet from BOE, after i become bov, can i use them in fight?


Saturday, May 28th 2011, 12:16pm

n i saw that i can drop 10-500 efrils, how does it work? can 10 efrils remove 10 boe reputation? n 500 remove 500?


Saturday, May 28th 2011, 2:05pm

1 efril removes 1 rep, and you give efrils same way to give them to Elder Verkiriy


Monday, May 30th 2011, 10:35am

Please use the mentor forum for questions like this.