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  • "Beuwolf" started this thread

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Wednesday, August 31st 2011, 10:47am

Pet Essence Part 3

Quoted from "Cross Knight;107662"

In order to find out which pets give essences I would suggest to find out together with other players.

Actually, I used the "List of Items" feature and found out there is 31 pets on this server but only 29 pet essences. The 2 Pet Essences that is missing is Snow Wolf Cub and Little Tiger (which I think has not been introduces as of yet, but pet shows anyway).

So I actually went one step further and checked dwar, since alledgedly .com should be a copy as to what happens at dwar. And wouldn't you know, the "scientists" at dwar is much better then those at .com because they have the Snow Wolf Cub Essence there.

Just incase you can not read russian here is the translation:…BYh9FXimQrkExTg

Quoted from "Cross Knight;107662"

Why they don't give essences, well I am not a biologist and this must have to do with the biology of these pets. Maybe one day the scientists of Faeo will find out. :smile:

Now, why don't you tell our "scientists" at this server to get cracking and incoperate the Snow Wolf Cub and Little Tiger pet essence to this server as well.

Looking forward to your reply yet again.


PS: If you want I can add the links for the Tiger Pet Essence as well, just didn't want to clutter down the page with to many links.


Wednesday, August 31st 2011, 11:10am

The scientistrs are currently quite busy, but maybe one day they will discover these essences. :smile:

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

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