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Thursday, April 20th 2017, 12:10am

bfs wont be 100% until we make bfs completely non breakable all day everyday or make it breakable all day everyday.

next update. make everyday breakable. and remove non break for life.. that way, we dont have people AVOIDING bfs, just to play on non break, and play it when they get the feeling to do bfs.

its simple. but admins wont carry a simple request and go with it, to ensure a more active bf.

its really odd to me tho.

Why do people perfer to play bfs with everyone having red weapon, rather than everyone having blue weapon. it makes no difference, if other people have red weapon like you, your stats will go up the same. go back to your average weapons you will go back down the same. there is no real argument, as to why you perfer to play non break with red weapon rather than break with regular weapon.

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Friday, April 21st 2017, 10:47am

10:25 info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!

when this statement becomes true one day then yes remove non break completely, otherwise let just carry on like sheep :)
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Saturday, April 22nd 2017, 9:55pm


next update. make everyday breakable. and remove non break for life.. that way, we dont have people AVOIDING bfs, just to play on non break, and play it when they get the feeling to do bfs.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... sounds legit.

So if nonbreak gets removed, people won't have a choice to avoid battlefields, is what you're saying? You log in, and BAM!
You're instantly placed into arena! Want to pick resources? Nope! Log in, instant CC! Superbeings? nope, log in - instantly placed in temple! You have no choice to avoid going to BF's anymore! :thumbsup:

Why not make one better, if you don't do 25 BF's a day, you get banned forever! Sounds like your type of solution :lol:
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 10:04am

not even, but sure

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