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Saturday, December 30th 2017, 7:51pm

A Crazy Idea for UK Tournament

Ok, bear with me, this idea is CRAZY.
Ready? Ok, here it is.

Let us see the queue!!!!!

I know right, this is insane. Seeing if people are queued to see if its worth spending 3g (thats a sneeze, but still) to maybe have a go at tourney? Maybe I've gone mental.

Oh well, I might aswell push it....

Let us see the past battlefields!

Ok, enough crazy for today

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Location: South Africa

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Monday, January 1st 2018, 6:54pm

:noo: crazy
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Tuesday, January 2nd 2018, 1:35am

People asked admins to make it possible to see how many people queued on a BF when you're queued.


Tuesday, January 2nd 2018, 2:07am

Fox Face, you commented on 4 subjects and some of them you don't even understand lol
We can't see tournament queue even not being in queue and we can't see completed tournaments

+1 This is great idea, tho not sure if it would change anything about ppl not queueing up


Tuesday, January 2nd 2018, 7:15pm

Fox Face, you commented on 4 subjects and some of them you don't even understand lol

Well, misunderstanding happens :)

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