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Sunday, December 5th 2010, 8:32am

Quite Unfair

So heres the deal, my brother who was EljasoM8 and me who was Spartacus1 both had accounts and my brother paypaled to get some twilight armour. He then didn't want the game anymore so i said to him that if he sent his armour to me through mail I would pay him the money he spent through paypal on the game. My character was then jailed when i went on this morning. I have started a new account but I am not happy that I was jailed for this i think it is unfair and I would like to have that armour back because me and my brother have both spent money for it.

Regards, Jason


Sunday, December 5th 2010, 9:06am

It is against the Game Rules to transfer the itiems, resources, etc. of your character for real money. If you don't agree with your Penalty you can post HERE.
Toff, bahebak habibi ! :love:


Sunday, December 5th 2010, 9:11am

we were never on the same pc my brother has his laptop its not fair for us to be demanded of something that we payed for


Sunday, December 5th 2010, 9:14am

i paid my brother so he could use that money to pay off his credit card bill by the end of the month so that he didn't feel like he had lost any money by wanting to delete his account so he then traded his items to me itmes that he had paid for with real hard earned money i demand to have the items i will not pay over 100dollars to get my old character out of jail


Monday, December 6th 2010, 11:29am

There is nothing unfair, the rules are clear and you clearly broke them.