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Thursday, December 9th 2010, 8:10am

Shiko took DH key before I could use it

Hi, I am not sure if this is a bug, but several friends in-game said this isn't supposed to happen. I just finished the first quest for Shiko the Paladin at Royal Tomb, the one where I'm to kill one-eye potap and the cultists. The system message said I got xp and a few silver for doing that, but did not say anything about getting a key. The quest log said my very next step was to go report back to Shiko about the battle result. I did that, and the system didn't say I'd completed it until I clicked on my response to Shiko which said something to the effect of in Shiko's hand now was the key to killing a Lino-something-or-other, can't recall the name of the beast.

Shiko's reply to me was basically thanks for the key, and the word key was highlighted. Then the system message awarded me xp points and 10 hunters of undead rep for completing the quest. I was curious about what the key thing was so I clicked on it and discovered it was the Derelict House key which I didn't even know I'd received in the battle.

Several people I've talked to said that was weird because they still have their DH key they got in that quest and that Shiko did not take theirs. If this is a bug, is there any way to correct it?

I thank you for your time to reply.


Thursday, December 9th 2010, 10:57am

This quest has changed a bit recently. You don't need to have the key in your inventory any more, you just need to have done the quest.


Thursday, December 9th 2010, 5:57pm

Oh, okay! Thank you very much for your prompt reply! That explains it fully because I was away from the game for quite a while so it probably changed as I returned to the game. Thank you very much!