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Friday, March 2nd 2018, 2:09pm

Luck Glow and useless items


This is just going to be your averegae rant on shitty event lol.

So whats the point of having players win Temporary red items that are not transferable and wrong class even?

A Dodger winning a red temp HW bow... I mean comeon...
thats all... not going to bother going into how much of bs the rest of prices are xD.


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Friday, March 2nd 2018, 2:31pm

I highly doubt anyone ever thought about finding a "point" in handing out rewards for Luck Glow... It's a money drain event for people who have money to waste, some rewards are good (mostly because they're rare) while most others are crap and introduced there just to justify your conscience to throw more money in the well ^^
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, March 2nd 2018, 3:24pm

HW whats that? That went the way of the dinosaurs.


Friday, March 2nd 2018, 3:27pm

HW whats that? That went the way of the dinosaurs.
Ineed alot of things need tweeking now... All mages are Dodgers cuz thats overpowered... half of the quest costs more to complete than the rewards granted etc etc etc. :S