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Friday, May 20th 2011, 5:51pm

i think i just got 2 splinters.....

no harm done, but a bit odd nonetheless

16:42 You finally find the flower you need and start to pick it, not noticing a vicious thorn hiding amongst its petals. As you put it in your rucksack, you badly prick yourself. Ouch! Received: Splinter 1 pcs.
16:43 bluebell : :stesn: can someone remove my splinter please? :help:
16:43 Your splinter has been removed.
16:43 Your splinter has been removed.
16:43 stric has very kindly removed bluebell's painful splinter.
16:43 King-Demon has very kindly removed bluebell's painful splinter.
16:43 bluebell : ty :rose:
16:43 King-Demon » bluebell : np :)
16:43 stric » bluebell : :drink:


Friday, May 20th 2011, 5:54pm

:ogo: epic lol