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Friday, March 11th 2011, 5:16pm

Im not receiving the 1000 valor when finishing arena quest beast

Im tire of alwais having problems with the valor............this are the dates of the arenas that I have...but u could check all of them....and they are a lot.....ahh and please if u could fix my dartrong rep...I really appreciate if u look that sorry If I dont have the exact date of the exchange I only remenber that was the first week in december 2010.
U could check them all....because never got the extra valor and they are a few..:bomb:
arenas beast done:
date 11/03/2011 finish time 15:58
date 05/03/2011 finish time 22:01
date 26/02/2011 finish time 22:29 :bitva:


Friday, March 11th 2011, 7:31pm

You are not receiving valor from the quest Spawn of spilt blood , because you only have a green UK medal. Only after 2000 UK rep (blue medal) will this quest give you 1000 valor.


Saturday, March 12th 2011, 8:45am

ufff...till blue them. thx for the info