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Friday, September 16th 2011, 8:32am

Entry restrictions in battlefields (ALL types) from 0200 to 0900: PLEASE TURN THIS BLOCK OFF

I havent seen any thread regarding this issue yet so I thought I could make one here.

After the update, people who are trying to enter the battlefields ( all types :- temple, arena, CC talaars) between 0200 to 0900 game time, are getting the message :

Submission of requests not allowed from 02:00 to 09:00!

Now obviously this has ( if not yet, then will) become a real pain in the back for majority of the players, especially those who are affected by time zones. Actually, almost everyone is affected cause the server being so small, any group entering the bf consist of people from various time zones. 2am to 9am has a large chunk of folks playin especially from Asia and players from America too.

Furthermore I donot think this is a good business proposition for the company either, restricting players from entering battlefields and stopping the process of burning ingame gold.

Hopefully this is just a glitch or bug from update (which prolly would be taken care of asap)....or else if this is really a part of the update and if not changed, then Im sure many people will be annoyed and that would further reduce our already tiny little LOD population.

Comment from Cross regarding this matter is most welcome.
Everythin is bloody boring ~~~~:bee:


Friday, September 16th 2011, 9:59am

The time restrictions for battlefields have now been removed.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Monday, September 19th 2011, 2:22am


thanks a bunch!
Everythin is bloody boring ~~~~:bee: