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Saturday, November 26th 2011, 5:36am

Author: milzy_exspress

admins please can u help

im not sure where to make this topic but the client has not ben connecting but i have perfect intert connection and nothing rong with my laptop ect but also and few other people has ecounterd this and i was wondering if you could fix my items because when this was happning i died 3 timsin a fight and my stuff got damaged…02&server_id=10 my 2...

Monday, August 22nd 2011, 9:45pm

Author: milzy_exspress

encounterd 2 problems

ive encounterd 2 problams 1 is i qued for halls and got the CLICK HERE at 20:26 and i did click here and i did go to halls but it didint put me in halls and says i have to wait a hour to que again also i have the blue red amulet of return can be used 5 times a day this morning i used it 2 maybe 3 times and it said i cant use it anymore i have 0 left can u check these please admins thank you

Monday, August 8th 2011, 2:11pm

Author: milzy_exspress

client trouble

well i just tryed reinstalling and nothing i have the same also as i said ive always had the update of adobe and internet exsplorer and i did try to refresh but it comes up with navigation canceld when i do run client i have nothing else running or browser and my security has never stoped me playing before i think the same has happend to people in suffolk where i live and norfolk in england

Monday, August 8th 2011, 2:08am

Author: milzy_exspress

client trouble

hey there admins i do have perfect net and my freind from aroundmy area where i live has same problams when i try starting client it comes up with error downloading sometimes it works but it always comes up with this programme cannot display web page like i have no net but my net is perfect and ive never had this problam before my freind tryed reinstalling client but it didint work so i was wondering if its on your end im having to use browser and it doesent load fights as i said i never had the...

Thursday, June 23rd 2011, 7:12pm

Author: milzy_exspress

hey admins diamonds trouble

i used bill4net and two times i used it it didint give me the diamonds it comes to a total of 18:00 GBP wich is about 17.50 diamonds

Thursday, June 16th 2011, 11:22am

Author: milzy_exspress

chat screen not working

just tryed internet browser again and nothing i also just tryed clearing cache and restarting clent again didint work eaither i sure hope it can be fixed :/ thx again bud

Thursday, June 16th 2011, 11:04am

Author: milzy_exspress

chat screen not working

ok i will try andlogon to internet browser right this second il keep an eye on this topic just keep me updated thank you so so much :mol:

Thursday, June 16th 2011, 10:35am

Author: milzy_exspress

chat screen not working

im online most of the day today so just let me know whats happning bud im not sure if i can see admins typeing in game chat as i say i cant see anything and characters name are sometimes invisiable i also cant see the fights bar it says The current fights are not allowed for this area! so i cant eaither see current or completes fights

Wednesday, June 15th 2011, 7:04pm

Author: milzy_exspress

chat screen not working

tryed it nothing happend il also let u know malle bud that i just tryed reinstalling and it didint work

Monday, June 13th 2011, 9:54pm

Author: milzy_exspress

chat screen not working

hi there i was in halls and my client shut down causeof my laptop and i now cant see wrighting from chat screen and on certain screens lik loc screen i see nocharacters name just invisiable and when i amin backpackscreen i see there names is there anything u can do ty

Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 3:35am

Author: milzy_exspress

Wedding Application Form - Magmars

i agree i hope its gets clear love you flame