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Friday, April 26th 2024, 1:45pm

Author: Galaad-

Remove Curse

hello I paid all pénalties now but i have always my curse ...can you remove it or explain me what i need to do now ?? Have a good game Galaad- Done

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 4:37pm

Author: Galaad-

Curses under Review!

IHello I come to ask you for leniency for the 2 penalties inflicted on my player Galaad- i acknowledge my mistakes and promise you to be careful from now on and not to interact between the 2 accounts anymore Since my return to the game in October 2023, I have made between 1500 and 2000 euros of purchase in Visa on the game, I hope you will take this into consideration. I'm willing to return the items I've awkwardly passed between the 2 accounts These 2 penalties inflicted, without having the abi...

Friday, January 5th 2024, 4:38pm

Author: Galaad-

i am agree

Quoted from "Kaalia" 1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3.19-01-2023 at 20h 4, No preferance of Consecrator