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Sunday, August 27th 2017, 4:20pm

Sorry truth is the truth and you Know it.... They have run the Human side of the game for years and you are Nothing but a Puppet of the Admins... We need another House Cleaning like Irish did many years ago... Clean up the Human Trash.... :woody: :woody: :woody:

I think you better get decent information before calling current human guards trash. The team we have there now is a decent and good team, working hard and fair for all. And yes, why not admit, both guard teams often work and decide together and I see nothing wrong in there either. And yes, it is also correct, that in any of our decisions admin can have the last word and change our decision. So what´s the problem with that? After all, it is their game and we only try to help within our limits.

And now feel free to throw your trash can at me and telling me about what a lousy guard I am including my team:) am sure you find the odd follower in the community.

Truth is just that The TRUTH.... SI never said all the Guards were bad so you should learn to READ.... Human Guards have always been and will be Trash..... Admins have allowed it since WAY BEFORE you came to this server... And From what I have seen still are doing so... Prove me wrong.... :woody: :woody: :woody:
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:


Sunday, August 27th 2017, 4:24pm

Sorry truth is the truth and you Know it.... They have run the Human side of the game for years and you are Nothing but a Puppet of the Admins... We need another House Cleaning like Irish did many years ago... Clean up the Human Trash.... :woody: :woody: :woody:

I think you better get decent information before calling current human guards trash. The team we have there now is a decent and good team, working hard and fair for all. And yes, why not admit, both guard teams often work and decide together and I see nothing wrong in there either. And yes, it is also correct, that in any of our decisions admin can have the last word and change our decision. So what´s the problem with that? After all, it is their game and we only try to help within our limits.

And now feel free to throw your trash can at me and telling me about what a lousy guard I am including my team:) am sure you find the odd follower in the community.

Truth is just that The TRUTH.... SI never said all the Guards were bad so you should learn to READ.... Human Guards have always been and will be Trash..... Admins have allowed it since WAY BEFORE you came to this server... And From what I have seen still are doing so... Prove me wrong.... :woody: :woody: :woody:

Hell You even accused me of having Guards on my Enemy List.... When if you had Looked You would see a CURSE OF POVERTY....... Clean up your own house there before you come on here telling how great you think you are.... And how wrong I am..... :woody: :woody: :woody:
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:


Sunday, August 27th 2017, 4:37pm

@ Sequana FYI..... Irish was a Human Guard and a Admin favorite.... Back then Alpha Clan was the top Clan in this game..... Irish Became a Mag Guard and came over Jailed 80% of Alpha Clan on Bogus Charges..... Basically He fabricated info to use.... Then He jailed his Mag and went back to being a Human Guard so Alpha was about disbanded.... So Get your Facts before you TALK to me..... Humans have always Been Admin Favorites and STILL ARE......
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:

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Sunday, August 27th 2017, 8:56pm

@grumpy Santa

In case you haven't noticed there's a flood roaming around Faoe for quite some time now, Human Guards are opening their doors to new members. Go to the Human Guards Application Thread to learn more! and there's a similar one for mag guards... I know you have no clue what this means so I'll translate it for you, a guards job requires sacrifices you can't comprehend, requires a keen eye and attentions to the smallest details, a guard also will give up most of his game paying time to do a work which will never satisfy everyone and for which he knows he will get complaints and grievances no matter hiw hard he works because there will always be people with certain interests. There's 20 more things I could mention on this topic you're clueless about but that alone proves a guards utility in this game, unlike yours.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.

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Sunday, August 27th 2017, 9:33pm

I also wanna metion one last fact, I'm far less interested in what Shylark is thinking and more on what others might think reagarding to the topics he opens all the time. Shylark will never be able to become a guard because of his hideous character, his lack of logic and reasoning, he's also very far from being a worthy opponent in pvp because his view on the world is very limited( :stupid: ) his agressivity is actualy a mask to hide his incompetence and his double standards on forum are the highest form of thought he can produce. Anyone reading the forums have noticed his trademark (THE TRUTH...), well, for once, I am really into shaming a mind so undeveloped that a monkey would consider unjust to be compared with him. I couldn't care less about the following forum ban but for once, someone has to point the finger toward the real problem (and i'm not saying he's a problem, his way of thinking is... and I know other who share some of his points of view). I know, you will smile and be proud that you got under my skin(that's how you call it, eh?) and I replied to you once more but you see, I don't care, I'm not mad but I'm trying to be educate or explain why someone like you shouldn't be taken serious. You have the right to your own opinion, you have the freedom of speech but for every dumb idea you will provide I will try expose your flawed though process. One last thing, Shylark, your ego is only matched by your envy toward others that actually do something usefull with their time... let that sink in tonight before you go to sleep.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.

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Sunday, August 27th 2017, 10:19pm

what makes you so important that they should "cry" and jail you? I highly doubt anyone pays more attention to you than it would to an annoying fly buzzing around their head... for over 5 years you're doing nothing but complain and insult others... get a grip man, you're not anyone's crush and you ain't on FBI's top 10 wanted list either.

Go read your Guard Forums then come back and Yap... Poor sad Fool..... :woody: :woody: :woody:

how ironic, in you signature you claim to be a thorn in others people head while you do nothing but talking about others... you mate are a walking paradox.
Serious post incoming,if you're looking for drama,you're reading the wrong post,people:

Doesn't this whole thread and all the posts here prove his statement in his signature right? I mean,even now everyone here is answering to his posts,trying to prove him wrong,trying to find a good spot to hit yet he comes back every time. That's what a thorn does,keeps stinging you and pisses you off every time you try to touch it.

I'd just suggest you to stop trying to fight him,instead,why not get to know him? He's a great person.

Just my 2 cents.

Usually i agree with you, but i don't really get in confidence with a guy that on what ever you write he needs to find out something bad, need to focus out how you are bad and how he is great.
I mean, with unkown people maybe this will make them angry or something like that. :beer:
And usually i'm open to constructive criticism too, but he.... is quite hard to handle :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, August 27th 2017, 11:24pm

@grumpy Santa

In case you haven't noticed there's a flood roaming around Faoe for quite some time now, Human Guards are opening their doors to new members. Go to the Human Guards Application Thread to learn more! and there's a similar one for mag guards... I know you have no clue what this means so I'll translate it for you, a guards job requires sacrifices you can't comprehend, requires a keen eye and attentions to the smallest details, a guard also will give up most of his game paying time to do a work which will never satisfy everyone and for which he knows he will get complaints and grievances no matter hiw hard he works because there will always be people with certain interests. There's 20 more things I could mention on this topic you're clueless about but that alone proves a guards utility in this game, unlike yours.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Clue you in here You just wish that You knew more than I do...... Sorry But that will never happen.... As for being a Guard I know of 4 that have been in this game I would call Honest..... The rest are Nothing but Puppets for the Corrupt admins.... 8 years game changes so called owners and 8 years of the same BS.... :woody: :woody: :woody:
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:


Monday, August 28th 2017, 2:16pm

As also been mentioned several times, city pub is not the right place to discuss curses. And it also does not get you anywhere to blame others for your own mistakes.

Thread closed.

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