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Sunday, October 3rd 2010, 1:29pm

Small Ger Rune Key can't open any chamber?…act_id=88923376
Trying to open chamber with this key, but no luck - no action, not even an error or notice.
Whether it be impossible or laughable, Great MEN open up paths of BATTLE! If there's a WALL, we BREAK it down! If there's no PATH, we'll make one with these HANDS! The heart's MAGMA burns with FLAMES!


Sunday, October 3rd 2010, 1:44pm

Ow, that's naughty little bug - you can't open chamber if there's travel time left
Whether it be impossible or laughable, Great MEN open up paths of BATTLE! If there's a WALL, we BREAK it down! If there's no PATH, we'll make one with these HANDS! The heart's MAGMA burns with FLAMES!


Monday, October 4th 2010, 1:58pm

You only need to have the key in your backpack, there is no need to actually use it.