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Thursday, February 10th 2011, 11:21am

Mission of the Heart quest bug?

For some reason my earlier thread was closed without the chance for me to reply to the mentor post. I asked the following:

"I obtained the 3 Gungl hearts for Orfin and completed the quest. The text told me that I'd received 2500 experience and the necessary skills for riding a Battle Zorb. Yet Orfin still wants 135 gold for these skills. Either the text is wrong (and a bit misleading) or the skills aren't being correctly transferred. I suspect the former since I can't believe that you could save 135g by completing this quest."

The reply I got was that there is a different quest for riding skills. I know this - I've completed that one as well and have riding skill level 1 which lets me use my corvus or an ordinary Zorb. Please check the text that is displayed on completing the Mission of the Heart quest; it says that as well as the exp gained you now have the skills necessary to ride a Battle Zorb. I think this is a bug and the text needs to be changed/deleted.


Friday, February 11th 2011, 9:49am

Now I got you. I changed the bonus test.