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Sunday, November 27th 2011, 6:36pm

Mobs frozen

I noticed that the monsters, and NPC guards in hunt screen are...frozen? not moving not sure if i should work my profession (geologist) while this is occuring. would that open me up to a charge of "profiting from a game bug"? Im not taking any chances with game glitches...


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 7:02pm

Same with me....
In event Capture the Contraband smugglers didn't disappear after 1st stage of event, and after second Smuggler's chief didn't show up, at least 10 minutes while i was there....


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 8:26pm

1920..ish, game time, logged back in, everything seems to be working fine.


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 8:53pm

Yes, now mobs moving....