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Saturday, March 5th 2011, 8:18pm


just want to thank you for chasing me out of tallers,, congrats to all valour players the admins love you..see ya!


Saturday, March 5th 2011, 11:54pm

Ahhh can someone not handle a beating... isnt that a shame. Btw, its spelt Tallaar's ;)


Sunday, March 6th 2011, 4:57pm

tallars problem is growing do something admin please i timeout 3 times in a row when i attack opponent it doesnot load opponent just see a hourglass
i clicked backpack too but didnt work whereas connection quality was normal i clicked f5 too but no 3 timesout 7 fights total whereas in 4 fights it was normal:(


Monday, March 7th 2011, 7:33am

hey wraith come talk to me when you get stunned then hit 5x then get hit by another player and another one after that and no chance to fill up and you die with full belts. It happens quite often so dont post a comment if you dont know why its there ok..ty


Monday, March 7th 2011, 8:17am

Yeah mate, cos ive never died with full belt before... of course i have everyone does, tallaars is all about luck when it comes to stunning and who gets the first hit when you face a new player. I can guarentee that at some point you have had the first hit on someone after giving out a hit on the previous person and that you have felt pretty good about it "hey i just got an extra hit, wahay go me". But you dont remember those parts of the game because everyone wants to focus on the negative and have something to complain about......... so yeah, i do know whats going on ;)


Monday, March 7th 2011, 10:55am

This section of the forum is for reporting issues ti the adminstration, not for discussing game tactics or general rants. If you want to report an issue, please descriobe your problem as exactly as possible.