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Monday, February 14th 2011, 5:57pm

sale of ringmail helmet unapproved

I dont understand, I entered a trade a couple of weeks ago, and put on forum, and completed the exchange (for a ringmail helmet) for the agreed price of 40 gold. I received a letter by mail today that the trade had not been approved.
Thats all. Nothing. No word of explanation, no word of what to do do, or who to conact, just a link to the trade forum. Not very helpful. Athantos or somebody I belive.
I am really annoyed. I have never knowingly broke any game rules. Nor is the price unfair / too low as suggested in the trade forum. I saw an almost identical item in the Auction House not 2 days before for an opening bid of 38 gold and top of 45 gold. Although this helmet was slightly more damaged, it did contain a rune, which would certainly increase its value. I remember this distinctly because I actually joked with the person I traded with, that I could have had a cheaper one with a rune!
Perhaps you could clarify this for me, and tell me exactly what you expect me to do. I do not want to get banned, but I am very loathe to pay any more for a helmet, when in my opinion (and the sellers I assume) I paid a fair market price.


Tuesday, February 15th 2011, 9:51am

Please provide the link to the forum post.


Tuesday, February 15th 2011, 10:18am

FAO Crossknight…ringmail-helmet.
I dont meant to complain really. Im sure Athantos was doing his job. Just seems odd to me, that I could get identical item from AH for similar price. I think part of the problem is that the ringmail set is so rarely used, as to make them yourself does cost a lot. So yes, on the basis that you made the item youself (as I suppose somebody had to at some stage) then perhaps the 74 gold that Athantos quoted me as an average price is about right. My point was really that the current market value appears to be much less than this. I would suggest then that the average price would be much nearer 50 gold currently. I am prepared to pay the original owner some more gold if necessary, but I am reluctant in the sense that for 74 gold I would have preffered to purchase a "better" helmet that is compatible with my current set. Judging again by recent auction house prices I would be able to obtain a Dark Montain Helmet for between 70 and 100 gold. Thankyou for investigating this for me, as when I first heard, I was worried I might be sent to gaol. I am sure we can come to a suitable agreement that will keep all parties happy. Regards, Chelle.