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Wednesday, May 18th 2011, 8:23am

Collected Gambier Recipe

In this recipe there are some words missing.

To create 1 Collected Gambier you will need:1 level 120 Alchemist to produce this ingredient.
You need 2000 Relic Seekers reputation to buy this item.

The above is what the recipe says while below is what the other recipes show it should read:

To create 1 Collected Gambier you will need: 1 Gambier.You must be at least a level 120 Alchemist to produce this ingredient.
You need 2000 Relic Seekers reputation to buy this item.

Hope this helps :drink:
Life is like watching a cookie crumble, sometimes you get big chunks of sweetness while at others you can barely see any at all.


Wednesday, May 18th 2011, 2:55pm

Fixed, thanks. :smile: