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Thursday, December 16th 2010, 8:38pm

fix the lag

over the last few days my client and other people's client have had thatbad of a lag that the gamehasbeen pretty much unplayable. i just timed out in my battle training fight because kretches wouldnt appear and i know it isnt my internet connection because everything else works fine, just this game (client and site) take forever to load anything. atm my response jumps from 3000-15,000ms....please fix the damn lag
:glance: I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em :sarcastic:


Sunday, December 19th 2010, 2:07pm

still experienceing this as well was in a tallars and 3 of the fights i was in i was dead before it even loaded, same for me everything else outside of the client was working great. I actually had sent a post on Friday to Malle on the issue but never heard anything back.

Please fix as it is even impossible to mine at times so you know its really bad then