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Saturday, February 12th 2011, 2:23pm

You have been attacked by DRACULA [10] - what can we do?

I was attacked while gathering resources in order that he can freely collect himself. As a result, I have a maximum level of injury at 40 hours, is 1.5 days can not enter the game
Is it normall practice? Dracula-level players can change the balance for low lvl players and completely kill the desire to play, and most importantly the opportunity to play.
except me, he killed another 5-6 players, that's half a dozen players will not play 1.5 days. Some of these players do not have a clan, and for them it will be a verdict. and this is only one situation of many. what a number of potential pay-pallers kicked out of game for a some time or maybe forever?


Monday, February 14th 2011, 9:59am

As long as Dracula is not breaking any rules but just using game features there is not much we can do. This part of the game and the fact that Faeo is a dangerous world is part of the fun for most of our players. If you have problems with another player you should ask your clan for help, you could hire an executer, there are lots of ways to react that are better than complaining in the forums.

To all those who commented on this thread: The game master forum is here to contact administration about important issues with the game. This is not the city pub where you can discuss freely about what is happenng in the game!