The Guild of Bringers of Evil awards reputation points to players of level 5 and above. There are no restrictions on earning Bringers of Evil reputation points and no initiation into the Guild is required.

What makes a Bringer of Evil? Any warrior of level 5 or above can set out on the path of evil. Fanatic will be more than pleased to help you on your way. Using his knowledge and hatred for all that lives, you will be able to prepare terrible hexes, containing evil curses.
The hexes are prepared from "dark resources" which are founts of dark and hostile energy. By creating these hexes and unleashing their destructive magic on the world, a player will perfect his Bringer of Evil skills and increase his reputation.
Fanatic, the curator all Bringers of Evil in the world of Faeo lives in Bringers of Evil Den which you can find in the in the Wasteland of Rest and in Eclipse Thicket.

As soon as a Bringer of Evil's reputation is sufficient, the Guild of Thieves will take an interest and invite you to work together with them on a mutually beneficial basis. If such an alliance proves profitable, the thieves will accept you into their Guild and will even give you access to a hidden shop where they trade contraband goods.
But there are two sides to every coin. Working for the Guild will lead many characters, who used to respect you, to cease communicating with and helping you. The Elder, for example, will no longer give you his blessing, knowing what evil you are bringing to the world, and the mages will no longer sell you discounted scrolls of exorcism. But if you wish to repent your crimes, you can always beg for forgiveness for what you have done and renounce the evil by turning to its distinctive enemy – Norak the Virtuous.
Yes, every Bringer of Evil is a renegade! Yes, he is a social outcast! He is a creature despised by a society that simultaneously fears him, because every Bringer of Evil brings only disease and suffering, and only a mad man would want to make an enemy of such a person.
Creation of hexes: For every hex that you create, your reputation will increase by 10. When your reputation reaches 1000 and 2000, respectively, more powerful hexes will become accessible to you at which point the creation of the previous hexes will no longer have any effect on your reputation. If you have a Brotherhood of Virtue reputation, it will be decreased by 50 every time you create a hex.
Creation of Hexes
You can also increase your reputation using Spark of the Heavenly Fires. You can hand it to the NPC, which initiates you to the reputation. 1 spark will give you 60 reputation points.
Attention! There are restrictions on the reputation:
Completed quest «Bringers of Evil Initiation»
Rewards accessible in the Contraband Shop
Access to teleportation hall
the ability to collect Shizka Mushrooms once a day after passing the quest "The wooden captive of the rulers"
possibility to buy Buyaka Medallion
from the 11th level after the quest "Evolution of Evil" is available:
To rid yourself of the curse of a hex, you can use a Scroll of Exorcism. These can be purchased from Khorsungum the Mage or Arnabag the Mage.
You can also protect yourself from the hexes by asking a representative of the Brotherhood of Virtue to bless you with Apotrope magic.
Aside from these methods, there are also some natural means by which you can rid yourself of a curse. The life-giving insects are the Queen Zik Firefly and Queen Krobz Bark Beetle. They are capable of dispersing the black magic of weak hexes.
Protection from ball and chains |
A feature of the ball and chains is that one Human or Magmar cannot be fettered by more than 2 at any one time.
If you are smothered in fatty salve, the ball and chain will not be effective on you for a whole hour.
To remove the ball and chain you can use the services of a Locksmith, whose toolbox should contain all the necessary tools:
Reset the reputation Bringers of Evil |
Having received the Medal of "Worship" of the Bringers of Evil, you can also start with the reputation of the Brotherhood of Virtue. There are two ways for this. The first is to redeem the evil created by going to Norak Dobrokhot and starting to do good deeds for the good of the Brotherhood and the people of Faeo (while you will increase the reputation of good, but lose points of reputation of evil). The second is the quest "Good for Hire", which will help you to earn a reputation for good and saving the skills of the Executioner.
Good for hire - this quest is available from Izuver with the "Worship medal of the Bringers of evil". In the process of its implementation, you will be able to increase the reputation of the Brotherhood of Virtue, freezing your skills as an Executioner, who will then return to you.
Attention! Refusing the profession of the Executioner is necessary only if there is an appropriate current goal in the quest, but not before!
It is not necessary to develop the profession of the Healer or the Burglar. If you still take one of these professions, then at the end of the quest "Evil for hire", it will be reset and disappear from you.
If you have two medals - good and evil - you can create a Versatility Charm, getting its parts from Norak and Izuver. The Versatility Charm allows you to change your reputation with 3000 points of the Brotherhood of Virtue no more often than once in 10 days, by 3000 points of the Bringers of Evil and vice versa. Thus, you will be able to enjoy not only rewards for both rewards in turn, but also with the Healer, Locksmith or Executioner professions. The talisman uses 30 halves of Evil Eye when used, which can be obtained from Evil Eye from Norak and Izuver with the help of Scroll of Separation.
Teleportation hall: available teleports |

Wirgold Estate
Manor of Budrimakh |
Free Meadows |
Smoky Knolls |
Glade of Oblivion |
Mentaliya Foothills |
Graves of the Poor |
Glade of Dreams |
White Reef* |
White Reef* |
*teleportation is available from level 11 after completing the Invincible Army quest |
Elixirs of the Bringers of Evil |
Once in 10 days in the Den of the Bringers of Evil, you can freely taste one of the miraculous elixirs of the slave.
Villains, who were awarded the Medal of Friendship, the slave will treat with elixir Villains' treat: Brain Storm, the villain, who deserved the Medal of Respect will be able to get Villains' treat: Charlatan. To the ardent supporters of the guild, who achieved the Medal of Honor, the slave will present the Villains' treat: Black Dragon.

The Bringers of Evil themselves can prepare all kinds of elixirs in the laboratory in the den by resorting to the help of Fightourious, the fiery spirit that faithfully serves the ruler and his supporters.
To make elixirs, their recipes and the following ingredients will be required:
Recipe |
10 |
Elixirs can be prepared by possessing a certain level of mastery in the profession of the alchemist and the right recipe. But it should be noted that in order to purchase a recipe, it is necessary to achieve an appropriate level of reputation of the Bringers of Evil.
You can only use the Brain Storm, Charlatan and Black Dragon liqueurs, if you have the corresponding level of reputation.
Container smuggling |
In the warehouse in the laboratory of the den, you can get many useful and necessary items for the Bringers of Evil:
We wish you a pleasant game!
Last updated: March 2021