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 New Treatises on Rare Resources28.06.2011 08:09

In remote corners of the Library in the Fortress of Captivity warriors have recently found books that were so far unknown even to the librarians. The books are written in a foreign language but from their illustrations every warrior can see that they must have something to do with rare plants, fish and stones. Will the wisest men of Faeo be able to decipher them? 

 Pandrik the Wise in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Flavviy the Wise in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons 

Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 18)

 New Quest: Picky Pet21.06.2011 11:19

 Arnica and  Orfin are always looking for new animals to tame. While she was busy in the  Shuar Forest,  Arnica came across by a little Saber-tooth Tiger cub which apparently had been abandoned by its mother.  Orfin found a Valdagor cub in the  Mentaliya Foothills. Both are experienced with taming animals, but these two cubs are really aggressive. Or are they just hungry?

 Arnica the Horsewoman in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons Orfin the Beastmaster in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons 

Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 20)

 Rainbow Stones27.04.2011 16:14

The moment of opening the precious chests that are currently on sale in the  Outskirts of Klesva and the  Valley of Fire is always a moment of surprise. But today warriors in Faeo were even more surprised when they found so far unknown Rainbow Stones in these chests. Warriors already brought the news of these unusual stones to the jewelers who are very interested in them – but only in complete sets.

 Jeweler in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Jeweler in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons  

Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 20)

If you go to the Library in the Fortress of Captivity and have a look at the old books stored there you might come across rare treatises which contain interesting information for fishermen, herbologists or geologists. Having a look into them you will find that they are too difficult for you to decipher. If you have Treatise On Rare Fish I, a Treatise On Rare Plants I or a Treatise On Rare Minerals I, go to  Pandrik the Wise or  Flavviy the Wise to find out what the treatise you have contains.

 Pandrik the Wise in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Flavviy the Wise in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons 

Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 18)

The Brotherhood of Virtue and the Bringers of Evil have the most contradictory aims. While the Bringers of Evil are drawn by hatred and revenge the Brother of Virtue is dedicated to good deeds and justice. Both sides feel the need for more information about the other side to make sure they can reach their aims. So they need warriors who are willing to change sides temporarily to gather information.

  Norak the Virtuous in the MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Fanatic in the MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons  
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 16)

Many of the most experienced warriors of Faeo are not only engaged in the war between  Humans and  Magmars, they have also taken sides in the eternal war between the ancient races of the Kroffdors and Eldives

Eldive Spy in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Kroffdor Spy in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

As in any war, this one is not only about who is stronger in the battlefield, but both Kroffdors and Eldives are using their intelligence to operate behind the enemy lines and the area is full of spies. In the fight against these spies the  Humans and  Magmars supporting either side play a crucial role as they will no bet immediately identified by their enemies. Your help is needed!

Click here to read more.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 13)

Are you a loyal warrior who has regularly brought offerings to the Great Dragons, to the goddess Aladeya or to the God of the Cursed and the Damned? Have you already earned 3000 or more reputation with any of them? Then it is time to get a great reward: a Medal of Worship.

Goddess Aladeya in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Goddess of the Cursed and the Damned in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

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Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 18)

Many warriors of Faeo are loyal followers of the fertility goddess Aladeya, regularly bringing sacrifices to her and receiving Aladeya's Favor and Natural Healing. Others prefer to follow the God of the Cursed and the Dead and get Deathly Gifts and Shackles of Death. You can only follow one of these gods! But which one is the right one? And what if you have changed your mind? Why don't you just visit the altar of the god you would like to follow now and see what happens?

Goddess Aladeya in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Goddess of the Cursed and the Damned in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Click here to read more.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 18)

 New Quests for City Charters28.12.2010 19:38

Are you busy collecting Tokens of Fortune which you can exchange for great prizes? Now there are more quests for you to get the City Charters you need for the Wheel of Fortune in order to get the Tokens of Fortune. Mages can now acquire the Crystal Palantir, a magical crystal ball with which they can obtain further quests from the war mages in order to get additional City Charters.

Mage of Fire in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Mage of Air in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Click here to read more.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 28)

 Wheel of Fortune03.12.2010 21:54

Warriors, it is time to try your luck.  Poker and  Cardsharp have something new for you: the Wheel of Fortune! Just bring City Charters and play! You can obtain the City Charters by doing various quests which are each available once a day. You can win Vouchers of Fortune which you can exchange for gnome runes, valuable resources or powerful elixirs.


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Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 77)

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