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 Pesky Rats!20.02.2009 17:59

Enjoy bashing Kretches over the head? Been tying them up and dragging them around in a sack for your own pleasure?



Well, now's your chance to do your bit for Faeo and the future.

The army uses Kretches to train young warriors. With ever more novice soldiers setting out on their Faean journeys, there's a great demand for, erm, punch bags, and the army is struggling to supply the required amount.

Chiefs  Kort and  Torgor are calling on all those with a rat 'problem' to deliver their bound-up beasts to the respective Settlements of Klesva and Chernag, where they can be put to good use. They're promising a little reward for your efforts, too. For Chief and Country!


Chief Kort...take him some rats. Chief Torgor...he has a love-hate relationship with Kretches. Or is it just hate-hate?!

Author:   More (comments: 12)

 Damsels in Distress!30.01.2009 17:57

A new quest has opened for level 4 and above  Humans.


Bludiara's lost her ring... ...and Katiput's not the sort of creature who should be playing with magic rings! 

Wandering across the Alaveya fields,  Bludiara the Fortune-teller lost her ring. But it's not any old ring; it's a rare, enchanted one. Such rings are used by wizards and fortune-tellers to concentrate and strengthen their magic powers. Using such rings, they can perform their sorcery without consuming lots of valuable energy. More important than all of that, however, is that the ring could cause great harm to its new owner if he doesn't know how to use it properly. Bludiara has not had any difficulty locating the ring's owner; it's none other than  Katiput! Bludiara has already tried to persuade him to return the ring, but he won't hear anything of the sort. His life is in your hands!


Meanwhile,  Maeli the Mermaid has an even more serious problem to deal with.


 Maeli and the mermaids are in trouble... ...unless you can convince Vylis to do the right thing!


 Vylis the Fisherman has caught a whole brood of Gurral'diy Korr - a giant sea monster from the Balluar Ocean.

It seems that the mermaids have an ancient friendship with the Gurral'diy. The Korr protect the mermaids from the attacks of perfidious mercenaries, who call themselves the Red Axes. If the little Gurral'diy are not returned to the sea, there will be no one to defend the mermaids and they will be doomed! You have to do something!


The quest is open to level 3 and above  Magmars.

Author:   More (comments: 0)

So, you're sitting quietly in the tavern, having a gossip with your comrades, drinking some wine and, out of nowhere, the Great Dragon appears before you! He's chosen you for a special mission...Such things only happen to followers of the Brotherhood of Virtue. The dragon is greatly concerned that the forces of Chaos have not only penetrated the lands of Faeo, but the minds of its warriors, leading to internecine strife and civil war, which only weakens the strength and unity of the army. The winged giant has decided to summon the bravest warriors and hand them a magic horn which can cut short aggression in the tanks of his own race.


The quest is only open to representatives of the  Brotherhood of Virtue from level 6. The dragon will reward those brothers and sisters who make good use of the horn with stronger horn.


Horns of Reconciliation











Author:   More (comments: 5)

 Secret Super-Blow Quest!09.01.2009 18:26

Who needs brains when you've got brawn?!


Well, actually, our level 5 and above warriors now have a problem to solve which requires a little bit of grey matter.


Many different creatures live in our world: some are distinguished by their exceptional strength, others by their minds, and yet more by their pure beauty. Any one of them can end up in a sticky situation in need of another's assistance.


Trainers Kurdgard and Shimmoor are in just such a situation at the moment. They don't earn much, but have been saving every week to achieve their dream - a riding beast! But, sadly, the beastmasters are refusing to sell to the trainers, claiming they don't know the fundamental rules and information required for caring for the beasts. The trainers are so upset! They simply don't have the brain to learn what they need to know. Just one look at the front cover of a book causes palpitations. Kurdgard and Shimmoor want your help in buying a mount. If you succeed, they've promised to teach you the secret super-blow, Strength of Giant, which will give you a great advantage in battle! Set to, warrior!

N.B.: The reward for this quest is the secret super-blow, Strength of Giant, which has previously been available through collecting pages. Those who already have the super-blow can still do the quest for the experience.

Trainer Kurdgard Trainer Shimmoor

Author:   More (comments: 15)

 Science Symposium29.08.2008 19:18

A new quest is now available for level 6 and above warriors.

The scholars  Avelius and  Globius are preparing for a scientific symposium on the theme of Classifying Monsters from a Different Era, which is taking place any day now. Both the scholars want to distinguish themselves at this meeting of Faeo's greatest minds and, with not a hint of suspicion that anyone else is up to the same thing, they are both planning to build a model Rukkub, a horrifying monster which once lived in the Haunted Place on the Isles of Fay-Go many centuries ago, but which is now extinct.


Avelius the ScholarGlobius the Learned


Click 'More' for quest details.

Author:   More (comments: 10)

Pages:    1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6


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