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 Spirit Charmers16.08.2011 11:31

 Lady Guinevere and  Lady Cordelia belong to two of the oldest and most noble families in Faeo, the only families that know the secret of taming spirits. They have the ability to transform incorporeal spirits, released from mortal bodies, into ghostly forms and wraiths. For doing so they need essences of living creatures and they need the help of your clan to get these essences.

 Lady Cordelia in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Lady Guinevere in the free MMORPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons 

Warriors who have a pet may obtain these pet essences in battles with monsters of their own level. In order to be able to see these essences they need an Elixir of Ghostly Vision which can be obtained from  Guinevere or  Cordelia.


The ladies are not asking individual warriors to obtain these essences, but whole clans, as they need a huge amount of them and they are too busy to talk to every warrior. Clan leaders can exchange the essences which their clan members obtain for Sprit Charmer Reputation for their clans. If a clan has sufficient reputation they can obtain a special Clan Totem and the more reputation you have, the more powerful will your totem be.


you can find more information about the Spirit Charmers.


In order to receive Pet Essences warriors from level 5 who are members of a clan need an Elixir of Ghostly Visions which can be obtained from  Lady Guinevere in Frontiermarks or  Lady Cordelia in the Domain of Winds. Clan leaders can hand in the essences and receive reputation which is need for getting a clan totem.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

11. DeathNote08 16.08.2011 19:43
you might wanna change the Own into Owl :D
12. -vox- 16.08.2011 21:23
sweet! more reps to get :jump:
13. marensman 16.08.2011 22:25
sounds great. I will have to try this out.
14. YAHWEH 17.08.2011 00:53
nice you always seem to make this game fun again
15. Catha 17.08.2011 01:00
where is she? the navigator brings me to terror warf but she's not there
16. Sylvanas Moon 17.08.2011 08:09
I like the sound of incorporeal spirits. When no one can attack you, you can­ walk like a ghost :grin: This is cool :) nice job. I hope I can be Incorporeal­ spirit also in real :lol:
17. Ephy 17.08.2011 08:53
catha: go to terror warf, from there you can jump to frontiermarks... its 1 move­ away from there
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