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 Crackerjacks tips!08.07.2019 13:00

Faeo is vast and so is the knowledge and the secrets that are held within it. No one person can truly know it all, or even comprehend it fully. Still, there is desire for this knowledge. This desire has given birth to the team of 'CrackerJacks'.



They are formed with one goal in mind, which is to bring forth the lesser known knowledge. CrackerJacks aim to convey tips and tricks to you all that you can use in various parts of your Faeo life.




Did you know?

  • Did you know that using transformation potions and spells removes the need for attack/drink animations to be finished? This means you can instantly use potions and attack/cast spells, which will save you time. - "powered by Blood-slayer666"

  • Did you know that entering the catacombs a couple minutes before midnight will allow you to collect a second stack of papers after midnight as the stash resets? - "powered by - Ragnarhus -"

  • At level 4, there is a quest item which is called Sheara’s chest. You can open it to get good stuff. But maybe people don’t know that by opening it many times, you can get items for which Wise Man will give you gold coin - "powered by Innos" 

  • If you click on Commemorative coins, you can earn money from them. 50s from gold coin, 25s for coin from Silver collection and 5 silver for each coin from Bronze collection. It is usually much better than exchange price - "powered by Mercury"

  • When you are collecting resources, sometimes you get it before the green bar reaches the end. Press ESC key and you will save a little time. This will allow you to collect more in less time. - "powered by ThePansho"

A Big Thank You to all Contributors.

You will receive your codes in the next days via ingame mail. 




You want to share your own secret tips with the community
Send a letter with your tip to  Liusaidh!

For every published tip you will get a code!


Author: Lisad, editor note: Lisad

1. full of dramatic 08.07.2019 15:58
About Commemorative coins....if ppl IQ hard to read what on COIN wrote - their­ IQ hard to read this topic loooool
2. -Fallen- 08.07.2019 17:44
Nice tips 0_0
3. Mr Lit 08.07.2019 19:57
4. Alex321 08.07.2019 20:00
jesters didnt even do this event, spotted uninformed tard, not a surprise­ anyways :pepega:
5. Alex321 08.07.2019 20:19
You complain about admins doing nothing, this game is boring BLABLABLA stupid­ talk. Then some players, try to do something, to help player-base, getting close­ to nothing back; and u still, not critize them, you just throw shit on them lol,­ m8, even if ur opinion was the right one, thats a way and you only will get­ ignored or people do fun, like they already do... but whatever
6. Wonder Fool 09.07.2019 20:48
freedom of speach!!! they are starting to build up a monarchy :OO :D
7. Mr Lit 09.07.2019 21:00
Ready for coups :devillll:
8. Dissappear 09.07.2019 21:13
The "Ironic Comments" shouldn't be removed. Cause the tips are­ really worthless. If we can't make comments freely, why there is a comment­ place under of this? We didn't said any swears or other things. This event­ is bad! Not what we expected and we try to tell this with joking and using a­ little irony. Cause it's just a game. And we trying to have fun.
9. The Great Khan 10.07.2019 07:12
Damn, these crackerjack tips are really useful, it's too sad there isn't­ one saying "Every 60 seconds you spend in-game is 1 minute spent in real­ life. Use your time wisely." But nah, jokes aside, let me throw in a few of­ them.
10. Aixlinn 10.07.2019 08:23
Who gave you the idea this is an event? It is not. CrackerJacks is a group of­ players who want to share little tips and tricks most probably know but some­ don't. And they only ask other players if they want to share their little­ tips and tricks as well. This has nothing to do with any event. Just some player­ who try to do more that constantly complaining and whining and talking other­ peoples efforts bad. But looking at the whiners I am not surprised, really. I­ for my part actually did find the odd useful tip in their advices ...
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