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 Jester Event - The missing profession!16.09.2023 17:00

We walk through our beautiful FAEO, completely relaxed, wearing no armor. Through wide fields, past rushing rivers and dense forests. With a little time, you can notice small or large things that you simply wouldn't see otherwise.



You see a big tree in the forest that you've walked past so many times. Its branches reach so high into the sky that you can't even see the ends of them.


And then you suddenly realize what’s still missing here: a new job! Wouldn't it be great to become the first lumberjack in FAEO? Suddenly you think of a lot of good reasons why you really want to become a lumberjack.


What gathering profession or production profession do you think is missing from FAEO?



Are you up for the challenge?


Task and Schedule 


Your Task(s):

1. Introduce us to a new gathering or production profession with a name and a short description. (at least 3 sentences)
2. For a gathering profession, draw a gatherer’s tool OR for a production profession, draw something that is needed for production.
3. For a gathering profession, name 5 resources that can be gathered and the professional experience required for it, or for a production profession, name 5 items that can be produced and the professional experience required for this.


You can find a small example in the forum. Please make sure you complete every part of the task, otherwise your contribution will be invalid and will not be rewarded! When using translators, the "language barrier" is considered so that everyone can participate!



16/09/23 - 29/09/23 at 18:00

Publish your posts before 29/09/23 18:00 server time





  Rules and Conditions of Participation  



You can find the general event rules here!

Please Read the Rules! By participating, you confirm that you have read this and have accepted.








First Place:


150 + 1



Second Place: 


100 + 1


Third Place:


50 + 1


All other participants with valid entries:







 We are excited about your career choice! 

Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

1. Mictlantecuhtli 16.09.2023 21:24
1 Rompe maldiciones: Un rompemaldiciones elimina, contrarresta o rompe­ maldiciones colocadas en objetos o lugares para ganarse la vida. eliminando­ maldiciones, maleficios y maleficios de objetos embrujados ilegalmente. 2 ­ Guardián del Dragón: Cuidar de un reptil inofensivo es una cosa, pero cuidar­ de un dragón es otra. Ser un guardián de dragones puede ser uno de los­ trabajos que suenan más duros: salir con dragones. Si desea comenzar una­ carrera en este campo, le sugerimos que complete un aprendizaje en la reserva de­ dragones más grande del mundo; después de todo, ¿qué puede ser mejor que­ combinar los aspectos teórico y práctico para adquirir todas las habilidades­ que necesita para la posición. 3 Fabricante de varitas: Cada varita tiene­ su propio sentimiento dependiendo de su composición. Como una varita canaliza­ el poder y las habilidades de una bruja o un mago, muy a menudo, es la varita la­ que elige al mago, pero no al revés.
2. Mictlantecuhtli 16.09.2023 21:34
Dragonólogo: especializado en el estudio de dragones. Los draconólogos a­ menudo se emplean en reservas mágicas de vida silvestre, como las reservas de­ dragones utilizan piedras hierbas y peces para realizar sus hechisos y mejorar­ las habilidades de cada dragon.

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