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 Event Rewards Shop and March Bags14.03.2024 15:00

Brave warriors of Faeo! March was very saturated with events and interesting tasks for you to complete. As usual, you did a great job. The event «March - Spring's Awakening!» has come to its end, now we invite you to visit a shop with event rewards at the City Fairs, which you will be able to purchase with special badges.
Please note that a new line of achievements awaits you this year. Collect the Perfect Rabbit-hole Generator by purchasing temporary amulets and earn special achievements. You will receive the March: Chasing the Rabbit achievement directly when purchasing the Melting Amulet of Wandering.
Chasing the rabbit: March
If you don't have enough Carved Bug visit  Chigrik and  Gloum's shops! These cunning smugglers have special March bags containing the coveted tokens.

You can purchase these bags both for gold and for diamonds but you'll be able to buy them one time only for each currency.
Hurry to the event reward shop Warriors!
Author: MisterFixxer, editor note: Liusaidh

1. Guetrex 14.03.2024 15:09
mystery chests non transf this year? thank you for previous advice, if you check­ March rewards on library Mystery chests are transferable like last year ...
2. _Soul Reaper_ 14.03.2024 15:12
Add please Melting Amulet of Wandering
3. Quennnngentur 14.03.2024 15:26
Why was the banner­ completely removed?
4. N E R V I O 14.03.2024 15:27 it has a bug.­ I bought march version and got march achiev its ok, but i used banner and i got­ january achievement @MisterFixxer
5. T-DeAdLY-J 14.03.2024 15:31
The banners are not intended rewards for 2024, so they were removed from the­ shop. After removal of these items, the tokens spent will be refunded.
6. Quennnngentur 14.03.2024 15:33
Ahh okay, thx
7. Yippeekiay 14.03.2024 15:50
Why are Mystery Caskets now non- transferable? They've always been ok to­ sell. Talk about turning the thumbscrew tighter at every opportunity you can to­ stop people earning gold in game. And what are all the restrictions with lots of­ items in shop - surely the token run out on timer anyway & you can't buy­ stuff when event reward stages end anyway. Sheesh, getting less & less reasons­ to play.
8. Yippeekiay 14.03.2024 16:34
Great, now you add transferable ones after I wasted my tokens. Fantastic!
9. Yippeekiay 14.03.2024 16:41
no idea what is going on, one minute the transferable ones appear, next minute­ they disappear lol
10. T-DeAdLY-J 14.03.2024 16:44
Transferable caskets now available in Misc tab.
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