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 Clan Event: Stones for the Statue, Fri 17:0018.11.2010 05:07

 Elder Baguron and  Elder Verkiriy want to show their gratitude to Sheara in their cities. To do so they are planning to errect a large statue of the Goddess in the temples on the city squares. They have already asked  Ostap and  Soygura to make this statue. Ostap and Soygura only need the renowned Badlands Granite to start with their work. The elders are now asking the clans of Faeo to collect granite from the Malleable Badlands.


You and your clanmates can dig the granite from the ground with your hands, no tools nor skills are required. But be careful: The Malleable Badlands will be filled with warriors of both races, so those who gather the stones are always in danger of being attacked. Since you compete with clans of both races in this event it might also be worthwhile preventing them from gathering too many stones. And there might be more danger lurking under these stones themselves, so it would be wise to have some players of your clan around to protect the clan members who gather the stones.

This is an opportunity for your clan to show your elder how dedicated you are. If your clan is the one that collects the largest amount of Badlands Granite each member of your clan will receive a Clan Cup. It will help you in battles once you drink from it.

The clan event Stones for the Statue begins on Friday, November 19, 17:00 Faeo time and ends on Monday, November 22, 10:00 Faeo time in the Malleable Badlands. Go to  Baurvill Hamlet or the  Settlement of Faytir where you will find a connection to the Malleable Badlands. No tools and no professional skills are required to take part. Each member of the clan that collects the largest amount of Badlands granites will receive a Clan Cup after the event.

Update: More than enough stones have been collected during the weekend. The elders counted the stones and Elder Verkiry proudly annouces the winning clan:

 Hollow World

The members of this clan have collected 3315
Badland Granites. Each member of Hollow world has received a Clan Cup.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

111. chesty 22.11.2010 20:52
i just want to take a second to tell all the high lvls that helped hollow world­ in the event ty because if not for the help and protection it might not have­ been possible ty hero and reapersgrimsoul and kolur and the 1s i forgot sorry­ and ty to all the mages also :)
112. chesty 22.11.2010 20:54
and also lulu...toff...and amdis if i left out ppl im really sorry you know who­ you are ty again
113. lulu 22.11.2010 21:00
=)) u wl
114. mysticslayer 23.11.2010 03:29
Thank you to all that made a mag win possible you know who you are...­ Congratulations to all of my clan members on great team work and dedication I­ know that we all ended up with some kind of injury and I am sorry for that but­ we came out on top and that was our goal Thank you all again MAGS RULE lol :)
115. DARKLORDDRAGO 23.11.2010 04:51
thanks to all the high lvs that helped keep the human mages out thanks a lot we­ couldnt do it without you guys
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