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 PvP Tournament with Summons30.11.2010 08:56

Warriors of Faeo, the  Magmar Commander and the  Human Commander both believe that it is time to take the next step in the eternal war against there hated enemy race. They are calling all warriors of Faeo to battle! The hate and disgust for the opposing race is so strong that they will not stop their warriors from using summons this  time, even when the battle becomes a Great Battle: Everything is allowed!


If you believe in the superiority of your race and don't want to be guilty of letting down your nation in an important battle, possibly risking a defeat, you have to come. Every single member of your race is needed! To make sure that everyone is doing the best for their race the commanders will lead warriors of different level groups into separated battles:
The young warriors up to level 5 will start their battle on Wednesday at 17:00 Faeo time.

Warriors of the levels 6 to 10 will start on Wednesday at 17:20 Faeo time.

The most experienced warriors of Faeo, all those who have already reached level 11 or higher will start at 17:40 Faeo time.

Bring all the summons you can get, you will need them. Come for the sake of your nation and receive a great valor reward!

The PvP Tournament with Summons will take place on Wednesday in the Malleable Badlands. The warriors of the levels  1-5 start at 17:00 Faeo time, warriors of the levles 6 to 10 at 17:20 Faeo time and warriors of level 11 and above at 17:40 Faeo time. You can reach the Malleable Badlands via the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir.

The sounds of battle and dying and hundreds of summons have dissappeared from the Malleable Badlands, the fights are over and warriors are licking their wounds or celebrating their success. While the battle of the level 1-5 warriors was won by the Magmars the Humans could claim victory in the level 1-6 and the high level battles. The participants of the winning side received a reward of 2000 Valor (level 1 to 5), 3000 Valor (level 6 to 10) and 4000 Valor (level 11 and above). The members of the defeated teams received 50% of the valor that was given for the victory in their battle.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

11. heskiah 30.11.2010 15:45
thats awesome
12. NyiRoroKidul 30.11.2010 15:46
great valor reward..... thats what i'm waiting for, my summon will love it­ too :)
13. Valy 30.11.2010 15:50
A great chance to all fighters to get valour and prouve to be a fighter
14. cronkadillias 30.11.2010 16:18
good we all need a good val award, whats the cap on summons though
15. Flik 30.11.2010 16:46
i will definitely come :)
16. -Changeling- 30.11.2010 16:47
good to see they are keeping the classes separated out; now it will just come­ down to who has the deeper pockets $$$
17. Bigbro 30.11.2010 17:06
lol yep now it comes to see who has deeper pockets lmao :P
18. ruz 30.11.2010 17:19
This will be the craziest battle lol..i really look forward to it!
19. Valarauk 30.11.2010 17:29
I have a feeling I will not be there. But it is something I would not miss if I­ was not doing something.
20. -SilentKill- 30.11.2010 17:30
I like having so many new events...
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