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 The Keys of the Commander, Part 107.01.2011 08:02

The  Human Commander and the  Magmar Commander have called the brave warriors to battles in the Malleable Badlands many times! But who are these commanders? All they live for is fighting against the hated enemy race and so it is no wonder that they hardly ever leave the Malleable Badlands – they even live in little cottages on the edge of the Badlands. But now a reckless thief has stolen the keys to the cottage of your commander. So once again your help is needed!

Thief in the free browser game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons.

Is the thief still close to the Malleable Badlands or did he already manage to run far away? He can be anywhere! He will probably have found a hiding place somewhere but sooner or later he will have to leave his hideout. You should keep an eye out for the thief from Tuesday, 17:00 Faeo time. When you see him, make sure you attack him and knock him down and take the key from him! You won't be able to bring it back to the commander as the Malleable Badlands are not always open - but you will need the keys the next time they are and you would hate missing that, as it is your only chance to be able to win access to the Commanders Blessing! So find the thief and keep an eye on the news...

From Tuesday 17:00 Faeo until Wednesday 10:00 Faeo time  the Reckless Thief might be anywhere in Faeo. Track him, kill him and take the Commander's Key out of his pocket. You will need that key later this week, the next parts of this event will be announced in the news.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. WiLd HoGs 10.01.2011 15:20
Gr8 , mindblowing
2. Insolent 10.01.2011 15:21
I'll get u thief:knight1:
3. -Sharp r- 10.01.2011 15:21
lets kill him ^^
4. Alamus 10.01.2011 15:22
Hmm...maybe there was more than one thief, too?
5. DiablosClone 10.01.2011 15:22
cool :)
6. Deathwind 10.01.2011 15:23
sweet, a search and destroy. Great idea admins
7. --EVIL LADY-- 10.01.2011 15:23
intersting quest
8. _Onslaught_ 10.01.2011 15:24
Tuesday 17:00... Hmmm... Knowing my luck I will need to look realy good! :P
9. copperhead 10.01.2011 15:24
looks like its time to play hide and seek
10. Battl3K1ng69 10.01.2011 15:24
key hunt :0
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