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 The Black Market20.07.2011 21:42

Smugglers, swindlers and thieves are not to be trusted and an honest warrior would never conduct any business with them. But what if they have a tempting offer? After all you are in the middle of a war and sometimes it is necessary to throw your principles over board.  Chigrik the Thief and  Gloum the Swindler have received a large amount of Elixirs of Life and Elixirs of Giant form somewhere (and you’d better not ask from where) and they are willing to trade them for resources and other elixirs.

 Chigrik the Thief in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons Gloum the Swindler in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons 

 Gloum and  Chigrik have to be very careful as they are always on the run from law enforcement and they don’t store all their loot in one and the same place. They have developed an extensive trading system and you will have to meet them at various locations. Talk to them at their homes in the  Barrow of Sadness and the  Glade of Dreams and they will tell you what you will get where and in exchange for what. Here is an overview:

Black Market

You give:You receive:Location:
x50, x50 or x50

x5 or x5

x2, x2 or x2
 Wild Forrest
 Thorn Apple Brushwood
x50, x50 or x50

x5 or x5

x2, x2 or x2
 Freedom Steppe
 Lost Wastelands
x2 and  50
x2 and  1

 Freedom Steppe
 Lost Wastelands
x2 and  1
x2 and   3
x2 and   5

 Graves of the Poor
 Place of Sorrow
x50 or x100  Sleepy Valley
Bats Den
x100 or x200Plateau of Silence

In order to do business on the Black Market speak to  Chigrik the Thief at the Glade of Dreams or to  Gloum the Swindler at the Barrow of Sadness. The Black Market will be open until Saturday 12:00 Faeo time.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Janusky 20.07.2011 12:32
2. The falcon 20.07.2011 12:32
Now I know what I can do with my agate dust :)
3. Booyaka 20.07.2011 12:32
4. -anshl- 20.07.2011 12:33
wow...never seen black market prices above normal market prices....seem to be­ quiet a bargain
5. gavor 20.07.2011 12:33
good idea make more work for us ;]
6. Berserkas 20.07.2011 12:34
Haha, some bargain, more expensive than to buy in shops! That's why you­ shouldn't trust thieves. :D
7. Anastazia 20.07.2011 12:36
That's a total wast of ressources.
8. - -THE BOSS- - 20.07.2011 12:38
O_o 15g for that bless? wow
9. xero 20.07.2011 12:46
Hmm do we have an event to use these pots? If we used it for rage or tallars­ it would be a waste of gold
10. QQ Department 20.07.2011 12:52
"Roundtable discussion on new goldsink methods. Best idea recieves free­ singles' trip to hawaii (cant give a couples' trip cause we are­ cheapskates. If you wanna take ur girl/boy friend with you, pay their expenses­ yourself!!!)" ***drumroll**** and the winner is­ 'Black Market' idea by.....i mean forgodsake 15g for a stupid bless­ >.>
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