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 The Black Market20.07.2011 21:42

Smugglers, swindlers and thieves are not to be trusted and an honest warrior would never conduct any business with them. But what if they have a tempting offer? After all you are in the middle of a war and sometimes it is necessary to throw your principles over board.  Chigrik the Thief and  Gloum the Swindler have received a large amount of Elixirs of Life and Elixirs of Giant form somewhere (and you’d better not ask from where) and they are willing to trade them for resources and other elixirs.

 Chigrik the Thief in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons Gloum the Swindler in the free MMORPG Legend:Legacy of the Dragons 

 Gloum and  Chigrik have to be very careful as they are always on the run from law enforcement and they don’t store all their loot in one and the same place. They have developed an extensive trading system and you will have to meet them at various locations. Talk to them at their homes in the  Barrow of Sadness and the  Glade of Dreams and they will tell you what you will get where and in exchange for what. Here is an overview:

Black Market

You give:You receive:Location:
x50, x50 or x50

x5 or x5

x2, x2 or x2
 Wild Forrest
 Thorn Apple Brushwood
x50, x50 or x50

x5 or x5

x2, x2 or x2
 Freedom Steppe
 Lost Wastelands
x2 and  50
x2 and  1

 Freedom Steppe
 Lost Wastelands
x2 and  1
x2 and   3
x2 and   5

 Graves of the Poor
 Place of Sorrow
x50 or x100  Sleepy Valley
Bats Den
x100 or x200Plateau of Silence

In order to do business on the Black Market speak to  Chigrik the Thief at the Glade of Dreams or to  Gloum the Swindler at the Barrow of Sadness. The Black Market will be open until Saturday 12:00 Faeo time.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

11. hellrocker28 20.07.2011 12:59
Again the admins are teaching us bad thing, now smuggling:buee: :secret:i dont­ smuggle, so i be away from these things. But yes Admins do maybe:beeee:Yvil?
12. Negoite 20.07.2011 13:26
I like
13. --SleepyLion-- 20.07.2011 13:37
O.O whaa so now were dealing with smugglers and thieves lolz tsk tsk so very­ bad....but sadly i wont be participating given my current circumstances must­ prepare for other things
14. SaNd-KiNG 20.07.2011 14:15
Nice one especially for the low levels :) :money: :yes:
15. __Azeria__ 20.07.2011 14:31
Hummmmm, I sense a big waste of resource here.
16. lilmatt5279 20.07.2011 14:55
the buffs are ok but apart from that not so good stuff.....bring trade fair­ instead :smile:
17. -PressBox- 20.07.2011 15:05
Awsome love new blesses :smile:
18. -vox- 20.07.2011 15:21
if it's really the theives im dealing with, can i slip 10 bucks under the­ table for a quick blessing? they cant be too bothered with rules now....can they­ ;-)
19. Vargatt 20.07.2011 15:21
Is it just me or.... only thing interesting here for an Alchemist is the­ buff.... but 100 lifes around 2.8G in ah, isnt Invulnerability from fair 2.5G?­ Doesnt it even have better stats then this (like +45) and if one wants a bottle­ we pay equivalent to 2.8G x 2. So almost 6G for a bless that isnt that­ good, is almost 3 times more expensive then ones from fair and has a life span­ of 7 days OMG... Not nice. When Admins arent throwing lowsy events,­ it's us humans ruining them... this time is just admins though. This is as­ great as the 4k valor reward you usually give blaaarq. You guys want to make­ money bring fair to us monthly and the so loved by a few lucky gits coffers­ event...
20. -Wild Shadow- 20.07.2011 16:16
big waste... AGAIN..
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