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 Day of Peace21.09.2011 10:25

Faeo is a world full of war. But on one day the warriors of Faeo remember that it is much nicer to live in peace with their neighbors and they celebrate the Day of Peace by sharing a special Bread of Peace!
 Kugar the Hunter in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Ikvan the Peasant in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons 

The Bread of Peace is made of two different flours: Wheat flour from wheat which grows in  Khair and rye flower from the rye which grows in  Ogriy,. This symbolizes the peace between the two races who are enemies during the rest of the year. Help to harvest the crops and  to obtain the flour from your enemy race.  Ikvan the Peasant and  Kugar the Hunter will give you some of the bread if you can bring them the flour. This bread needs to be shared with a warrior from the opposite race. Warriors who show their peaceful intentions by sharing the bread of peace will receive a special blessing as reward.


While you are on your way to the get the flour from the territory of your enemies you will not be attacked by their guards as long as you go directly to the location you are sent to. It might be a good idea not to attack warriors from the opposite race who are doing their task for the day of peace as they might share the Bread of Peace with you. They are the warriors who have a blessing “Baker”. During the Day of Peace Magmars and Humans can understand each other.

Speak to  Kugar the Hunter or  Ikvan the Peasant to celebrate the Day of Peace. This quest will be available to all warriors. until Thursday, 23:59.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

31. Sutath 21.09.2011 17:58
wraiths are attacking even if the players are letting the opposing race thru,­ maybe the admins can fix this?
32. BigLittleLose 21.09.2011 17:59
i am first post
33. Sutath 21.09.2011 18:00
plus getting an injury from said wraith while attempting to complete this quest
34. MindOfTheDark 21.09.2011 18:03
o.0 Day? No Daily plat war, no sacking of mag turf, no spam raids by mag­ hordes.... If it's a DAY of peace, what are the other 364?
35. Jubie 21.09.2011 18:41
This is a great day in increase ur exe skills.... thanks admins
36. Shohom 21.09.2011 18:43
Cross Knight owes me a Cuisses, Some elixirs, and a lot of money!!
37. ShadowReaper 21.09.2011 20:16
wraiths attack......O.o
38. --Robban-- 21.09.2011 20:21
Well its the same in ur place u guys started the killing on peaceday,lol
39. Luna Moonfang 21.09.2011 20:43
Yeey .. I can finally understand the pinks :love: Now all the naked hunters can­ tell me how much they love me :evil:
40. SuperMag 21.09.2011 20:57
Day of peace? jaja sure, everybody is a coward here. Nobody respects this day,­ Magmars and Humans, too bad
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