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In the past weeks the younger warriors of Faeo have shown their bravery to their commanders. Now it is time for the more advanced fighters to show their strength and to teach a lesson to the opposite race.

The Human Commander and the Magmar Commander are calling all warriors of the levels 9 and 10 to the Malleable Badlands and those of the levels 11 and 12 to the Plateau of Silence on Friday, 17:00 Faeo time. You will need all your experience from your long and successful time as a warrior in Faeo and you can use the help of summons until the battles become Great Battles. This is a great chance for you to get a great Valour reward, but you need to join the fight of the commanders.

Access to the Malleable Badlands for level 9 and 10 warriors will be granted Friday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fight will start at 17:15 Faeo time. Go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination. 

The level 11-12 warriors meet on Friday, 17:00 Faeo time at the Plateau of Silence, the battle will begin at 17:15. Please note that the Plateau of Silence will be closed for all warriors from 16:00 to 17:00 Faeo time for preparations of the tournament.


Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 6)

The world of Faeo is a dangerous one and it is usually not wise to leave your house without having some protection like armour or weapons, especially if you frequent places where you might meet the enemy face to face. But it doesn't always have to be about who has the stronger weapon, or the tougher armour. You might want to show your pure muscular strength, to fight just as nature made you when you first arrived in Faeo. 


Here is your long awaited chance to show your prowess without the protection of armour or weapons: Come to the Arena of the Underground Knights between Tuesday 12:00 Faeo time and Wednesday 12:00 Faeo time. In order to queue up and to be able to fight, everyone needs to take off all armour, weapons, belts, amulets and rings. You will not be able to use summons or mounts. Face your enemy with only your natural strength and bravery. Don't forget to equip your potions before queuing up. 

The Naked Fights in the Arena event takes place between Tuesday 12:00 Faeo time and Wednesday 12:00 Faeo time in the Arena of the Underground Knights.

Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 37)

You can still hear the echoes of the swords in the Malleable Badlands, there are still wounded warriors lying on the ground. But the long battle is over.

After a tough fight the  Humans have gained victory. As a reward they have received 4000 Valour. The  Magmar fighters did their best, but finally they had to admit defeat. They received 2000 Valour. To find out more about this battle, click here.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 2)

Warriors of the levels 7 and 8, it is your time to show that you can defeat the opposite race.

The Commanders are calling you to battle in the Malleable Badlands on Friday. They expect you to give your best, to put everything you can into the fight, to make this a battle that will show the heroism of your race once and for all. So be prepared, bring your summons and use them wisely, as you can only use them until there is a Great Battle. Lots of Valour are waiting for you if you help your Commander in his fight.

Access to the Malleable Badlands  will be granted on Friday, 13:00 Faeo time. The fights will start at 13:15 Faeo time. To enter the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination!
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 5)

Warriors of Faeo, now's the time to measure strength, now is the time to find out which nation is going to prevail! The Great Dragons  Erifarius and  Striagorn have come to the conclusion that a direct confrontation would be the ideal method to  find out whose nation breeds the toughest and most cunning warriors!


For Sunday, 18:00 Faeo time, the Dragons order all  Magmars and  Humans to come to the Plateau of Silence and join their battle. 
The upcoming battle is an important stage in the permanent conflict of the nations, thus, everything is allowed. The enemy has to be overcome at all costs, so bring your best weapons and most powerful potions, saddle your Tigers and Zorbs and make ready for battle! The participation in this event will earn you Valour. Fight for the cause of your nation, prove your superiority and you will be rewarded! 

This great event will begin Sunday, 18:00 Faeo time on the Plateau of Silence. Due to preparations for the event, the location will be inaccessible from 17:00 untill 18:00 Faeo time. 

Be there and prove worthy of your Dragon's trust!


It was a tough fight and the warriors from both races did their best in fighting side by side with the dragons,  Erifarius and  Striargorn. Victory was on the side of the Human race. For their victory they were awarded with 5000 Valour, while the participating Magmars received 2500 Valour.

Click here to find out more about the battle.
Author: Drolevil  More (comments: 9)

There are reports about a lonely scout wandering through the lands of Faeo. He seems to be a peaceful guy who is minding his own business, but if anything angers him, he can get very mad and he will destroy everything and everybody that comes into his way. And this guy is not very patient, he can get angry about almost anything - the way a warrior who his passing by looks, the sun dazzling him or the snow peacefully falling from the sky.

Since he is extremely powerful he really poses a danger to everyone walking through the lands of Faeo. So all the members of your race should join forces on Thursday at 17:00 Faeo time to eleminate this danger and kill the Angry Scout. If you spot the Angry Scout anywhere at that time, let every one know, all your friends, your clanmates, every member of your race you can think of. They should all come to that location and help getting rid of him.

The Angry Scout event will take place on Thursday, 17:00 Faeo time at an unknown location on each continent of Faeo.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 14)

Warriors, the war for domination over Faeo continues!   Human and  Magmar warriors of the levels 5-6 are called to battle! Let there be blood! Prove your worthiness and earn valour in these cruel battles!

Hurry to the Malleable Badlands to meet your destiny. Join your Commanders in their fight and earn the Valour you are craving for! Bring your summons, they can help you until there is a Great Battle, they might be decisive for the  outcome.

Access to the Malleable Badlands  will be granted on Tuesday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fights will start at 17:15 Faeo time. To enter the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination!

The human warriors have shown their strength and have won this battle. Congratulations! To find more information about this battle, click here. The winning Humans who participated in this fight have been rewarded with 3000 Valour, the Magmar participants have received 1500 Valour.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 17)

 New Event: Floral Woe14.01.2010 08:57

Cuckoo Flowers are well known for their beauty, but they are also very dangerous: a terrible fate awaits those who dare to pick one. Nature cannot stand the putrid intoxication of this flower: faithful servants of Nature rise from the earth, Earth Elementals, who destroy the malevolent plants and their seed.

But despite the woe caused by this flower, it is highly valued among the Mages and alchemists, being the most important ingredient of many elixirs, potions and even healing remedies. This is why you must prevent the Cuckoo Flower's utter extinction.

The recurring event Floral Woe takes place in the Haunted Place once every day.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 13)

Warriors of level 4, it is time again to defend the honour of your race! The Commanders are calling you to the battle against the enemy nation.


Come to the Malleable Badlands to prove your strength, to show your braveness, to gain victory! This will be a hard fight which will never be forgotten. So don't forget your summons as you can use them until the fight becomes a Great Battle. You might need them! There will be great Valour rewards but you will have to join the fight of the commanders.
Access to the Malleable Badlands for level 4 warriors will be granted Wednesday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fight will start at 17:15 Faeo time. Go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination.

After a fierce battle the Magmars have won this tournament. Congratulations! To find more information about this battle, click here. The winning Magmars who participated in this fight have been rewarded with 2000 Valour, the Human participants have received 1000 Valour.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 15)

 New Event: Mercenary Wars07.01.2010 07:17

Warriors, the constant war between the two enemy mercenary clans, the  Stone Lotus and the  Red Axes is coming to a new and decisive stage. It is time to decapitate the enemy clan. A group without a leader is like a beast without a head! 


 The Redoubtable Lloyd has been under an unexpected attack from the Red Axes and calls all Human warriors to the  Barrow of Sadness to defend the Stone Lotus clan.

 Bloodthirsty Kyew needs your help, Magmars. Defend the Red Axes clan against a vicious attack form the Stone Lotus attack in the  Ridge of Darkness.

The recurring event Mercenary Wars takes place once a day at the  Barrow of Sadness and the  Ridge of Darkness. The participation in this event will increase your influence in the  Cursed Fields and in the  Mentaliya Mountains.
Author: Cross Knight  More (comments: 17)

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