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Warriors, a bloodthirsty Kodrag appeared in the Malleable Badlands, destroying everything it encounters. Since the veteran warriors of both peoples are not available planning campaigns and carrying out other difficult task, it is up to the younger level 1-5 warriors to destroy the evil beast. 

Be careful, the Bloody Kodrag is a very dangerous enemy and many a hapless hunter fell victim to his razor sharp tusks. Such an aggressive creature will have gathered some minor beasts around for help!
The Elders of both peoples command the level 1-5 warriors to the Malleable Badlands. Destroy the vile Kodrag, warriors!

Access to the Malleable Badlands will be granted to  Magmar and  Human level 1-5 warriors Wednesday, 17:00 Faeo time.  
To enter this location, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination! 

Update: The Bloody Kodrag and his followers, the Bloody Wolves, have been annihilated by a joint task force of  Human and Magmar warriors. Besides the drop, two fortunate and skilled fighters from both peoples have managed to find some random loot among the carcasses of the slain monsters.

Micromicet [5]
Yellowcat [4]

Additional information about this fight can be reviewed here.

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 17)

Warriors, another pinnacle of the eternal conflict between the  Human and the  Magmar peoples lies ahead of you. Seasoned veterans, level 9-10 and 11-13 veterans are called to battle! Blood and gore in abundance await the brave warriors willing to take part in these events!

The level 9-10 warriors should hurry to the Malleable Badlands to meet their destiny, while the seasoned level 11-13 fighters should proceed to the Infernal Heaven! 
Join your Commanders in their fight and earn the Valour you are craving for! 
No summons will be allowed during these events. 

Access to the Infernal Heaven and the Malleable Badlands will be granted Tuesday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fights will start at 17:15 Faeo time.

To enter the Infernal Heaven and the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick them as your respective destination!

Both PvP events are over now, and the  Humans were able to overcome their opponents in both events. Details on the battles can be found here for the levels 9-10 and here for the levels 11-13.
The Human warriors of the levels 9-10 have earned 5000 Valour, the  Magmars' reward being 2500 Valour. The  Human level 11-13 fighters are awarded 6000 Valour, while the  Magmars of this level group receive 3000 Valour.

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 2)

 Dragon Battle, Sun. 18:0031.07.2009 11:02

Warriors, now's the time to measure strength, now is the time to find out which nation is going to prevail! The Great Dragons  Erifarius and  Striagorn have come to the conclusion that a direct confrontation would be the ideal method to  find out whose nation breeds the toughest and most cunning warriors!

For Sunday, 18:00 Faeo time, the Dragons order all  Magmars and  Humans to come to the Plateau of Silence and join their battle. 
The upcoming battle is an important stage in the permanent conflict of the nations, thus, everything is allowed. The enemy has to be overcome at all costs, so bring your best weapons and most powerful potions, saddle your Tigers and Zorbs and make ready for battle! The participation in this event will earn you Valour. Fight for the cause of your nation, prove your superiority and you will be rewarded! 

This great event will begin Sunday, 18:00 Faeo time on the Plateau of Silence. Due to preparations for the event, the location will be inaccessible from 17:00 untill 18:00 Faeo time. 
Be there and prove worthy of your Dragons trust!
Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 13)

Warriors, word was spread across Faeo that a terrible Bone Dragon emerges from the bowels of Faeo very soon. Our skilled fortune tellers have been able to date this event quite exactly, but the venue reamins obscured to their clairvoyant minds. We must find the location where the disgusting creature of evil will appear.


You have to find the monster and muster as many warriors as possible to overcome the enemy. The lives of innocents depend on our scouts. Hunt down the Bone Dragon, face it in a battle and destroy it, warriors! There are no restrictions set for this event. Come in full force. 
The Bone Dragon will appear Friday, 17:00 Faeo time. Find the locations on the  Continent of Ogriy and the   Continent of Khair, engage this monster and call for help! 

Update: the Bone Dragon event is over. The fighters of the  Human and the  Magmar armies managed to find and engage the Bone Dragon in a fight. The  Human warriors have slain the Bone Dragon and its Golems, while the  Magmar forces were overrun by the sheer force of this evil creature.  The  Human army has received 4000 Valour. Congratulations, warriors!
Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 17)

 Level 7-8 PvP event, Thu. 17:0030.07.2009 08:09

Warriors, another PvP event is about to take place. Every brave level 7-8 fighter is invited to show his or her strength and to overcome as many enemies as possible. Are you game for another blood-chilling fight? Meet your destiny!

The Commanders will await you in the Infernal Heaven. They will prepare everything for the battle. The participants in this battle will be rewarded with additional Valour but it awaits you only if you join your Commander's battle! No summons will be allowed in the event, for you have to prove yourself!

Access to the Infernal Heaven for level 7-8 warriors will be granted Thursday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fight will start at 17:15 Faeo time.

To enter this location, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Infernal Heaven as your destination!

Update: this event is over, and the  Human forces managed to conquer! As a reward, they have received 4000 Valour, while the  Magmar warriors have earned 2000 Valour. Detailed information on this event can be found here
Congratulations to all participants!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 7)

 Update: Safe the Jester30.07.2009 07:04

The grateful Jester is safe now, rescued from the fangs and claws of the evil  Grouchy UmertikHis gratitude is boundless, and since he wants to thank as many brave warriors as possible, he has unearthed some auld and dusty Jester hats in his Ancestors' Very Auld and Dusty Chest. The Chest is very auld and dusty indeed, but he thought it to be worth the while and is now presenting the following warriors with ancient and goofy-looking Jester hats:

-Osman Gazi-  [13]
KingPin [12]
Angel Heart [11]
Dragon_Bane_1 [10]
retrodoll [9]  
Temson [8]
GibsoN  [7] 
WIK [6]  
Porchellino [5] 
weebl bob  [4] 

Thank you very much warriors, and congratulations to all those who have earned the hat. You truly deserve it in deed and spirit May the good mood never leave you!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 7)

 Save the Jester, Wed., 17:0028.07.2009 10:44

Lowkey, the Jester of Faeo is a flippant and simple-minded creature. Whistling funny tunes, this tone-deaf simpleton stumbles from location to location, oblivious of the dangers that surround him... Until now, he's been lucky. The cruelest monsters passed by him without noticing or maybe knowing: this one is no challenge.
Yes, the Jester has been lucky... until his ill-fated fortune sent him to the  Settlement of Faytir, where he somehow managed to stumble into the Portal to the Malleable Badlands. Soon after, the tinkling bells on his hat  brought a Grouchy Umertik and some of his companions on the scene. The monstrous wraith, irritated by the annoying sound, attacked the miserable Jester, who is by no means a match for this gruesome creature.

Somehow, his desperate calls for help have reached the ears of the brave warriors of Faeo,  Humans and  Magmars alike. Hurry,  warriors, help the Jester! Remember the times when he cheered you up with his well-timed puns, when he charmed smiles on lips of grim warrior princesses and relieved the warring soldiers from their griefs of daily campaigns!

The Jester has nothing to offer as a reward for the generous help... nothing... but his hat. This family heirloom is the only possession of some value... and only one can get it, the bravest and most valiant of warriors, the one who deals the most damage to the Grouchy Umertik.

Both  Humans and  Magmars should unite and defend poor Lowkey from the vile and ill-humoured wraith. The Jester must survive this attack at all costs. Heal him, ressurect him if he falls, but protect him! This is your chance to obtain a unique and very valuable, if slightly ridiculous item.

The Save the Jester event will begin Wednesday, 17:00 Faeo time at the Malleable Badlands. Every able-bodied man and woman on Faeo,  Human and  Magmar alike should respond to this desperate call.  

To enter this location, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination! 
Help poor Lowkey!!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 18)

 Level 6 PvP event, Tue, 17:0027.07.2009 08:31

Warriors, another glorious event is about to begin, one that will remain in the memories of your nations forever. Soon you will have to face ferocious enemies, worthy opponents as hungry for glory and Valour as yourselves. This fight will truly put your strength to a test. 
Hark! The drums of war are calling, calling for you... this is the melody of war, let your pulse be driven by this melody... Soldiers - you have to be there!

The Commanders will await you in the Infernal Heaven. They will prepare everything for the battle. The participants in this battle will be rewarded with additional Valour but it awaits you only if you join your Commander's battle!

Access to the Infernal Heaven for level 6 warriors will be granted Tuesday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fight will start at 17:15 Faeo time.

To enter this location, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Infernal Heaven as your destination!

Update: the level 6 PvP event is over, and due to a grave superiority in numbers, the  Humans were able to overcome the brave and valiantly fighting   Magmars. A detailed description of this fight can be found here. The  Human warriors received 3500 Valour, the  Magmars earned 1750 Valour. Congratulations to all participants!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 5)

Warriors, the Cave Tournament is over now. Many brave fighters of both the  Humans and the  Magmars attended, displaying excellent skills and earning Valour. The results of some of the fights are accessible by clicking on your level group: 


Level 5-6 Level 7-8Level 9-10

Warriors of both races have accomplished heroic feats, slaying their enemies and earning Valour for themselves and the undying glory of their people! 
Congratulations to all participants!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 4)

 Cave Tournament Sun, 18:0024.07.2009 15:29

Warriors of Faeo! The ancient Order of the Underground Knights is very proud to announce the upcoming Cave Tournament for warriors of the levels 5-12! This exciting tournament is a must for those among you craving to increase their Valour and to prove true sons and daughters of your nation!

The applicants for the Cave Tournaments have to queue up in order to enter combat. The fighters will be split into two groups according to their level. Each group fights against opponents of their own level group, thus, level 5-6 warriors fight against other level 5-6 warriors, while at the same time level 7-8 warriors start their battle. The same rule applies to warriors of the levels 9-10 and 11-12. 

The maximum team size in a level group is 20.

An entry pass is required to enter the tournament and can be obtained from  Shodu the Keeper and  Vigor the Keeper for free, starting Sunday 11:00 Faeo time. 

Application time for the Tournament:

for lvl 5-8 - Sun., 18:00-19:00 Faeo time
for lvl 9-12 - Sun., 19:00-20:00 Faeo time.

A team must score 1500 points to win.

The Valour received as a reward for participation and winning is as follows:

Levels 5-6:

Victory: 400,000 Valour.
Defeat: 100,000 Valour.
Levels 7-8:
Victory: 500,000 Valour.
Defeat: 125,000 Valour.
Levels 9-10:
Victory: 600,000 Valour.
Defeat: 150,000 Valour.
Levels 11-12:
Victory: 700,000 Valour.
Defeat: 175,000 Valour.

This is a fast-paced fight, so you have to decide quickly, the time-out span on the Battlefields is 10 seconds!

The maximum battle time is 180 minutes.

Additional details may be found on the forum.

The Cave Tournament will begin Sunday, 18:00 Faeo time for the level group 5-8 and Sunday 19:00 Faeo time for the level group 9-12. Be there and increase your Valour, become a true warrior of Faeo!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith  More (comments: 25)

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