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 Heralds News11.03.2021 16:00

Warriors! Over the last few months Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!
Seasonal events
We have updated Seasonal events section in the library, adding descriptions and details for new seasonal quests and activities. We have also updated rewards tables – they now include this year’s rewards:
A new guide has been written as well. It describes some of the Seasonal event rewards, such as Cerberus Collar or Kodrag Amulet. It also includes detailed information about Altar of the Supreme Spirit of the Kretches.
Runes for armour
Runes guide now includes easy to navigate list of all runes for armour, as well as information on how to get them and links to recipes.
There is also a new guide to Elements. It not only explains how elements are used and includes links to elements and recipes, but also shows all rune improvement stages.
Reputation Rating guide has been updated – we have added missing rewards and revised "Available RR per level" section.
Other changes
We have also started working on updating NPC list.
Future updates
Our current work is focused on updating Sacral Knowledge, Red Armour, Conlegret Cards, Riding Skills and Professions guides, as well as Trophy Hunters and Great Battle reputation pages.
Archivists are constantly working on updating articles in the Library, fixing any errors that we can find, and writing new guides. If you find any article that might need an update or you have an idea for an article that would make a good addition to the Library, let us know!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Heralds Team!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. V o l a t i l e 11.03.2021 16:19
Thank you for all your time and work to update these items , look forward to­ future updates :)
2. The Architect 11.03.2021 16:30
I rly like it! Keep it going
3. dempsey_792 11.03.2021 16:51
A i nie zapomnijcie o nas , czyli o przetłumaczeniu tego na jezyk Polski .
4. I n f i n i t y 11.03.2021 17:00
Nice Work Ty for all your Work good Luck :)
5. Leonardo121 11.03.2021 17:17
a to ciekawe zobaczymy co przyniesie te zmiany i co na przetlumaczenie na­ PL
6. --SLY-- 11.03.2021 17:42 sticking/lagging for some reason. Taking well over a minute to be­ directed to the "Let us know" post. Then can't et back there when­ trying again.
7. --SLY-- 11.03.2021 17:45
Never mind. I know what the correct rewards should be for the seasonal events.­ I'll let others tell you about them in du course as there was no reply­ button in the forum thread. Hint:- Kretch amulets in February, July, August,­ November & December.
8. barbarzynca47 11.03.2021 18:04
jak nie przetłumacza to nic nie kupie wiecej .Bo jak jak nic nie­ rozumiem.Szacun dla POLAKA.
9. orrin 11.03.2021 18:11
best team work, thanks
10. wolmen 11.03.2021 18:47
czemu mam 1 poziom postaci a nie 10???? co żeście odwalili­ !!!!! czekam na poprawe tego błędu
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